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You walked into the office, figuring that maybe doing some work could get your mind off your anxious mood. You had just come back from a pretty intense hookup and were quickly kicked out after he had finished. You could tell you were dropping but didn't have any way to fix it. You entered, hoping no body would be there, but of course, one Billy butcher was there, alone.

You can't speak, getting the words out is just too hard after a scene like you just came from. When he notices you, you give him a small wave, keeping your head down. "Oi cunt, not gonna say anything then?" He asked, gruffly. You just shake your head no. You sit in a nearby office chair, keeping your head down and looking for anything to do, any notes to look over; anything to keep you from crying and breaking down like you want to.

You're so out of your head you don't notice him approaching you. "Hey. Ignoring me are you?" He asked tauntingly. You just shake your head "no" again, shaking slightly dropping more and more.

He notices the uncomfortable expression and body language. Bending down to be more at your level and forcing eye contact "oi! seriously you okay?" Hey asks, softly. You can't help it now and let tears fall. "Hey hey hey what happened?"

You regain a little composure, "just hooked up with a guy, he kicked me out." You don't expect him to understand or care for that matter, but it's no use lying. "m dropping" You say quietly not knowing if he heard you, not even knowing if you want him to.

"I see... cunt didn't give you any aftercare did e'?" You perk up a tiny bit, at least he knows enough to understand the situation. You nod, averting his gaze. "Okay okay come ere'." You look at him again confused and concerned. 'What is he talking about' you thought. "I'm not asking again, you need aftercare, I can give it to you. Come here."

You get up slowly, still unsure of yourself. He grabs your hand and leads you both to a couch tucked to the side of the room. He lays down and pats his chest, motioning for you to lay on him. Slowly you lay down, resting your head on his chest. You're very tense, this isn't like him, he isn't the type to be soft and caring.

He notices how tense you are and brings and hand up to your head, petting you gently, running his hands through your hair. "That's it love, you're doing so well."

You immediately melt at the praise, relaxing fully on his body, finally getting some proper aftercare. You instinctively grab onto him tightly, not wanting to let him go. Your tears are coming back now, but this time out of relief. You still feel terrible, still dropping but it's slowly getting better.

"There you are, that's a good lad, just needed some affection don't ya?" He brings his other hand up to your face, wiping your tears with his thumb. "Let it all out sweet heart. That's it."

He continues praising you and giving you gentle touches. Eventually you start becoming more aware of your surroundings, getting out of the drop little by little. "I'm sorry billy." You nuzzle into his chest  not being able to help yourself. "Hey, what are you apologizing for lad?" "Its stupid, and I'm fine now you don't need to keep doing this."

"I don't have to do anythin', I want to do this. And it's not stupid. Whats stupid is not giving your partner any aftercare." He rubs your back up and down, still comforting you, even though he knows you're coming back to yourself, he's not done. "So you wanna tell Me what happened then?"

"It was a rough scene… I'm usually into that but he was a new partner and didn't give me enough aftercare. Just cleaned me up and asked me to leave. I just wanted to come here and distract myself…" I nuzzle into his chest again, I press a light kiss over his heart, embarrassed but needing the affection.

"Christ. You're not seeing him again, what kinda fuckin' Dom…" he's angry, you can tell by the tone of his voice and the fact he slightly pulls your hair. You whine at the hair pulling, it feels good but your emotions are still all over the place. "Shit baby I'm so sorry, are you okay love?" You look at him in his eyes, feeling so safe and secure at the immediate care he gives you, you can't help but kiss his cheek gently. "Yeah, I'm okay… it was nice"

He smiles at you. "I'm still sorry love. You just need someone to hold you and tell you how good you are don't you?" He rubs your head in apology. "Billy…" you whimper, kissing his neck. "Who would have thought you'd be such a good Dom." He smiles at you, obviously proud of the praise you gave him.

"Promise me you won't go back to him… that's not right and you deserve better." He is still petting your head. "You're doing so good for me sweetheart." He praises you gently. "I'm not going to go back to him… promise" you start getting tired, laying your head on his chest, eyes fluttering closed.

He notices your sleepy figure and begins falling asleep as well. Both of you sleep content, wrapped up in eachother. You feel better than you have in a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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