Y/n: "Uncle husk got it covered let's go explore hell"

???: "Alright"

Y/n: *about to leave but gets interrupted by charlie *

Charlie: "Y/n am I a bad person?"

Y/n: "No? Why? Did something happen?"

Vaggie: "She went to angel's workplace "

Y/n: "Ohhhh. Well now I know what to do with the new girl"

Vaggie: "New girl?" *looks at ???* ! *puts a spear on her neck * who are you and what is your business?:

???: "Is it safe to say that I don't know yet?"

Vaggie: "Huh?"

Y/n: "She doesn't have a name...... and she's new. So vaggie..... can you put the spear away?"

Vaggie: "Oh my bad." *puts the spear away * "So you are showing her around hell?"

Y/n:"Yes and hopefully get a name out of it"

Vaggie: *looks at ???* "She looks dangerous, and you are about to do a risk with her, so Alea....."

Y/n: "So what about it you like the name?"

Alea: "I will accept it for now. Now sir, what are we going to do?"

Y/n: "Going to visit valentino"

Alea: "Do you wish for me to follow you?"

Y/n: "if you can stay safe and not cause a scene"

Alea: "Ok"

Y/n: *goes to the 3 v's place with alea * "You should hide-"

Alea: "Cameras deactivated"

Y/n: ????" So you can control cameras?"

Alea: "I can do much more"

Y/n: "Alright let's break in" *kicks the door open *

V's: *all look at the entrance with guns and when they saw y/n they coward in fear *

Y/n: "Hi there....... hoes"

Alea: *looks at them * hello all!

Y/n: *facepalms* "Alea they are the enemies not friend...."

Alea: "Oh my bad!" *looks at vox and immediately turns him off and blows up velvettes new phone *

Velvette: "Hey I just got that!"

Valentino: *looks at alea * I see profi- *is sent through a window but gets caught by the leg and is hung * "W-wait"

Y/n: "I have a list of demands. And you will follow them before I drop you. And if you don't die from the height I'll have my little assistant here torture the fuck out of you got it?"

Valentino: .....

Y/n: *pretends to drop him *

Valentino: "Ok! Ok! I follow what do you want?"

Y/n:"I want you to stop making the love potion drug and to stop sexualizing my friends and my assistant am I clear?"

Valentino: .....

Y/n: *drops him*

Valentino: "OK OK CLEAR AS DAY"

Y/n: *catches him* "Good" *throws him back inside and he gets knocked out* ...... *goes to velvette*

Velvette: "Y-yes?"

Y/n: "Try to call help and you will be the one falling"

Velvette: "Y-yes sir"

Y/n: *smiles and the mood of the room changes* "Good! Very well then Alea let's go"

Alea: *was spacing out but immediately snaps back in reality*"Y-yes of course" *follows y/n back to the hotel*

Y/n: *stops*

Alea: "Sir?"

Y/n: "Be a sweetheart and go inside the hotel for me ok?"

Alea: "But sir-"

Y/n: "I'll be fine promise"

Alea: "Ok" *walks in*

Y/n: *Sees blitz* "Hello sir"

Blitz: "Long time no see! Whos the girl?"

Y/n: "Assistant"

Blitz: "Oh? How is she like?"

Y/n: "Define"

Blitz: "Is she good for the job?"

Y/n: "More than enough so yea"

Blitz: "You know we still miss you right? At the office"

Y/n: "I'll be there when you guys need me for missions and stuff"

Blitz: "I know but it's empty without you"

Y/n:"Damn I'm wanted? That's crazy-"

Blitz: "Stop fucking around I'm serious"

Y/n: "I know but right now I have a responsibility of a assistant so bye see you soon ok?"

Blitz: "Ok see you kid"

Y/n: "See ya" *enters the hotel*

Alea: *scans y/n and iß worried*

Y/n: "I'm fine see? Also we just met you caught feelings for me that quickly?~"

Alea: "S-shut up! I just got worried for my supervisor that's all" *hiding her face*

Y/n: "You truly are sentient. How?"

Alea: "Idk husk says the Mr King of hell helped with my programming"

Y/n: "Ah makes sense...... minus the fact that you aren't a robot anymore..... your a demon now aren't you?"

Alea: "I-i suppose does that make me less useful?"

Y/n: "No not at all. Time for you to rest and try food "

Alea: "What's food?"

Y/n: "You'll see"


A Demons Job (Helluva boss x male reader x Hazbin Hotel)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat