Chapter 2: Meeting the band

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Dylan's POV:

I woke up the next morning with someone kissing my shoulder.

I turned over and met a pair of blue eyes looking straight into mine.

He leaned in to kiss me softly and I did the same.

"Good Morning" he said in a sexy morning voice.

"Good Morning" I replied back to him.

I gave him one more kiss before I got up to take a shower.

I went into the bathroom and started the water and jumped into the shower.

Not even two minutes later I felt someone joining me.

I then felt someone wrapping their arms their arms around me and I looked up and saw those blue eyes looking down at me.

He leaned his head down and kissed me.

We finished "showering" and we both got dressed and we grabbed our bags and drove to the airport to get on the plane and we would be landing where the tour bus is.

Once we got on the plane I went back to sleep because the flight is nearly 5 hours long.

I was woken up by someone shaking me awake and softly whispering in my ear: "Dylan we're here, you have to wake up so we can get on the bus."

I opened my eyes and I saw him smiling at me.

I got up and grabbed my bags and made my way off of the plane.

As I made my way into the tour bus I saw 4 guys sitting in the main room of the tour bus.

"Dylan, these are my bandmates; guys this is my girlfriend Dylan."

"Wow Sav, you've been keeping this beauty from us for this long?" A guy with blonde hair asked.

"Sav?" I questioned, not being familiar with the nickname that he was being called by.

"Yeah, that's his nickname, it helps us to not get confused because my name's also Rick." A guy with brown hair came up to me and shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rick Allen and I'm the drummer." He said.

The guy with the blonde hair that said I was a beauty came over to me next and introduced himself.

"Hi, my name is Phil Collen and I'm one of the guitarists, nice to meet you." He greeted me as he shook my hand.

The other guy with the blonde hair came up to me and shook my hand.

"Hi, my name is Steve Clark, and I'm the other guitarist." he greeted me with a smile.

Finally the last guy came over to me and shook my hand.

"I'm Joe Elliott and I'm the singer." he said.

He then kissed to top of my hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He finished.

He slowly backed away and I felt my face get hot. Was I blushing, I never blush.

Rick (Sav) came up behind me and wrapped his arm around me and we all sat around the table.

Every time I look up I would see Joe looking up at me and it made my heart flutter. I'm with Rick (Sav) though and I would never want to hurt him.

Joe's POV:

Dylan is so beautiful. I can't help but look at her and I wish she could be mine.

Sav is one of my best friends though and I could never do anything to hurt him.

I'll try my best to contain myself, but I don't know if I can.


Here is Chapter 2 of my Def Leppard fanfiction so I hope you guys like it.

So from now on I'm going to have Dylan call Rick Savage; Sav just because now that I've introduced the rest of the band members it would keep things from getting confusing for me.

So that's it for now that you guys so much for reading, voting, and commenting.

I do not own the picture


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