My legs stops themselves right in there. Don't tell me..- "Professor (Y/L), it's you." he continues. Right after he said that, I shut my eyes tight out of cringe. Then, I turn around to see the student, unsure what to do at this point. There wasn't anything about how to deal with students in these kinds of situations in my studies! So, I keep my tone calm and collected:"Mr. McLaggen, I..-", "I know the age difference between us, and that you are a teacher and I am a student, but... I know we can work this out, (Y/N). I know it!" he sounds like someone from one of those Muggle tv-shows now. Lifting my hand as a 'stop' sign:"Please don't call me by my first name, McLaggen.". Still trying to keep my whole presence as professional as I can here. This is not the way I thought this night would end up.

The boy takes a step towards me, fumbling a bit:"We would be perfect together, (Y/N). You and me.". Oh, dear... About to stern my tone to get things straight with him, when suddenly, I feel how someone's standing right behind me like a shadow. "It seems that Mister McLaggen doesn't know when to stop." deep, smooth monotonic voice says. Quickly, I look over my shoulder to see the Potions Master standing there. He's so close to me. How did he showed up like that without my knowledge? The teenager looks baffled, unsure what to say next. "Unless of course, McLaggen wishes months of detention and a letter dedicated to his parents from me, by all means... Continue." Professor Snape casually says, like he'd be happy either way. Pretty much after that, the drunken student stumbles off.

For a moment, we watch how he wobbles away. "Wow, that was... Unexpected." I chuckle with hint of awkwardness. "Not really. He has been fancying you quite a while." Severus keeps the usual monotonic tone while having his hands behind his back. Both of my eyebrows raise:"Oh? How'd you kno..-", then I remember how he can read minds whenever he wants. "Ah." I nod as an acknowledgement. "Why didn't you say anything?" I ask. He raise an eyebrow:"Why would I tell you what some snob teenager boy thinks about you?". Giving him the 'are you serious right now?' - look:"To avoid situations like I had just a second ago?". "Fair enough." he bluntly says and starts walking away. Like there would be a string attached to, I follow him. "Are there others?" I ask. No answer. "Or is it just McLaggen?" I keep asking. "You have awfully lot of questions, (Y/N). But none of them being relevant." he answer while walking still hands behind his back, keeping eyes on ahead. What does that mean?

As we are walking side by side, I remember why I came outside in the first place. Draco. Automatically, I glance over my shoulder the direction I was planning on heading after dealing with the Gryffindor student. "Something wrong?" the man next to me interrupts my thoughts and I quickly turn my head to look at him. "Ah, nothing. I was just a..." my thoughts trails off. "What are you doing here, by the way?" I ask. He was at the Great Hall last time I saw him. "Well, it might come as surprise for you, but I am a teacher of this school, and I must keep an eye on of the mindless students. Sometimes it includes other professors too..." he teases. Rolling my eyes at his witty comment:"Haa-haa... You are quite clever, I'll give you that.". "Understatement, but I am glad you noticed." he reply. This is what I mean. Moments like these... They make me feel like there is something else between us.

My thoughts gets cut off when the Potions Master all of sudden hisses:"There is a one example.". "Huh?" turn to look at him what he meant by that. He's looking down over the stone barrier all the way down where the Boathouse is. I come next to him and look down too:"What is it?". It's Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood, throwing some small stones into the lake right outside of the Boathouse. Severus gritted his teeth:"I'll go and show the..-", "No, let them be!" quickly I grab him by the arm to stop him for ruin the lovely moment that they are having down there. Severus rolls his eyes and huffs:"Fine.". Then... Neville and Luna share their first kiss. My whole face lights up. Attaboy! The man next to me doesn't seem to be impressed. He just stands there bored look on his face while having arms folded on his chest.

I can't stop smiling:"Ay, I'm pretty good at this - mixing people up together, you know.". No answer. "Next up; Ron and Hermione!" I declare, like it just became my new mission in life. Severus raise his eyebrow:"Ronald Weasley? Thought she would be more interested in the Chosen One.". My head snaps at him:"Harry Potter? Nah, he likes Ginny.". He looks like he has no idea who am I talking about. "Ginny? Ginny Weasley? The girl with red hair?" I explain. He doesn't look impressed:"All Weasleys have red hair, (Y/N).". This man... Just when I'm about to say something witty back, I notice how his velvet ribbon bow tie is slightly off place:"Sev...". He turns to me with questioning look on his face. Pointing at the ribbon:"Your bow tie. It's a little..- It's a little crooked.". Severus tries to glance down to see the problem, but as expected, he can't really see it. I reach my hands towards him:"Just let me...". With gentle, careful touch, I help to get it right. We are now standing so close. There's barely any space between us at this point.

Whole this time I try to fix the tie, he stares at me which is making me nervous. It got so quiet, that I can now hear how the music changed into a slow dance inside. Guess the party is coming to its end. When all of sudden, Severus holds onto my hand:"(Y/N).". Immediately, I stop what I'm doing and look into his eyes, leaving my other hand to rest on the tie. Those black eyes are already looking right into my (e/c) eyes. "May I have this dance?" he asks, voice as smooth as the velvet I'm feeling right now. Mindblowned by the question, my eyes widens and jaw drops a bit:"...But..- I thought you didn't..-", "Of course, if you don't want to." he quickly add. Slight panic hits:"I do!". I am not going to pass this opportunity! Someone like him, offering to dance... You could call this a miracle. A sweet smile appears on his lips as he keeps staring straight into my eyes. "Then..." first he guides my free hand onto his shoulder, then his other hand wraps around my waist and starts leading.

The touch of his hand is soft yet firm. He definitely knows how to dance. Didn't even realize how cold my own hands are. But every second longer he holds my hand, it gets warmer. We look into each others eyes for a moment. Not saying a word. There is no need for words for us to joy this moment. My heart flutters. Like there is a tiny flame inside me. Then, Severus pulls me close, placing my head rest against his chest. Our hands closing in, there is no longer any space between us. The grip around me tightens. It's almost like he doesn't want this moment ever end. Neither do I. With slow moves, we sway along the music. It's almost like from a story book. Us, dancing like this in the shadows... Snow slowly falling down on us. Gentle music playing in the background. It surely is a beautiful moment. Can feel how Severus presses his head more against mine. Part of his nose tickles the top of my earlobe as it brushes against ever so slightly. Quietly, he does a light inhale. Severus... As a response, I press myself more against him. To feel him. To smell him. To hold him close. This feeling... It just keeps growing more and more. Moment by moment. It consumes me. It's getting unbearable.

Soon, Severus leans just a little bit away to see my face. At this point we are basically just standing still, barely dancing anymore. He brings his hand close to my face and starts softly caressing side of my cheek with the back of his fingers, sending electric waves down my spine. Into my heart. Right away, my cheeks turns into light shade of pink. "(Y/N)..." his voice sounds like a whisper. We are so close. I'm the first one who leans in, about to close my eyes. Ready to feel his lips against mine. Just when the tip of our noses touches, Severus pulls away. Huh? My heart sinks down to my stomach when he leans more back away from me and breaks the touch between us. "...Wh..- What is it?" I ask softly, yet confused. Did I do something wrong? Then I realize Severus is staring somewhere in the distance. Immediately, I look over my shoulder to see what has interrupted us. It's Mad-eye Moody. Standing other side of the yard, staring right at us. Oh... Without a word, the D.A.D.A. teacher limps back inside the castle, having the same grumpy look on his face. Before I can even turn back to the man beside me, he quickly says:"Pardon me." and walks right past me, going after him. What?! Too stunned the sudden change, I just watch him getting further away. Without thinking, I call after from where I stand:"Severus!". Immediately he stops, but won't turn to look at me. My mind is all over the place right now. The only thing on my mind right now blurs out:"I like you.".

Where Your Loyalties Lie - {Severus Snape x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now