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A few hours ago~
I woke up energised to see it was about 5pm. Just enough time to get ready. Muzan snuggled up closer to me and mumbled some inaudible words. Or so gibberish. "Hmmm cute" I thought as he started to wake up. "Gurd ever(yawns)ning~" he sed still half a sleep. " Good evening." I sed as I side hugged him. My now growing breasts smushing against his arms since I was in my woman form. He turned around and pecked my lips and went down to my tummy.

"Good evening little one, have you had a great nap." He asked tenderly as he rubbed my now huge tummy. It has only been 4 months but my tummy had grown a lot since the day I first got to know of that I am pregnant. He soon stopped and got up as he helped me to get up. "Well I'll get going as my new business is booming and I'll have to go there so nobody messes up." He sed as he excused himself and got ready to go to where ever his going.

"Come to think off it he had been out of the fortress a lot lately. He always makes up more and more excuses and sometimes disappear for days on end. Hmmm oh well guess his busy." I thought as I suddenly remembered that I haven't told him off me and the others plan. " and oh wait muzaa...." I was cut short with a door slamming behind him as he went out of the door. " Hmmm I will tell him when his back until then I'll get ready to go out for shopping" I told myself so I'll ignore the huge pang in my heart.

A few minutes later
I dressed in a normal kimono that has a cute flower design on it and a French blue obi.

A few minutes laterI dressed in a normal kimono that has a cute flower design on it and a French blue obi

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So I looked at the time to see it was about 5.40pm. " time do flies by in the infinity fortress. No I kidding I mean just think about it, there aren't a speak of sunlight cause it is reasonable as we demons disintegrates in the sun and so it is pretty much impossible to tell the time in hear. " I thought as I looked at Nakime and soon I was outside and was met with the two best friends talking about something.

Then I was greeted with a hug by daki as she squeezed my tummy under her weight. " Daki get off your pushing your weight on my belly" I complained as she got off with me complaining . " So sha'll we go Kokoshibu dono~" Douma sed as he came closer.

At the present
I fell down on my knees as I looked upon the sight that was Infront of me. Both daki and Douma looked in horror. ( Douma don't show it but he was really disappointed and sad) at my so called ' husband ' holding hands with a another woman and kissing her while I his ' wife ' carrying his child or children inside of me.

Tears started to roll down my face as I buried my hands in my face as I began to cry. "Oh my what a sight~" Douma spoke. " We'll get through this" daki tried to comfort me as I only cried harder.

2nd person pov

Suddenly he noticed you and his eyes widen as he tried to get over to me to explain misunderstanding but he lost sight of my figure as he came up with an excuse for his fake wife as he started to look for you with no luck as you ran away from the sight with your heart broken in to millions of pieces.

Kokoshibu pov
I ran and ran don't minding my sore legs as I ran away from the horrible sight of my husband cheating. " First I thought I could trust humans then they broke it. Second I thought I could trust a demon but no they all turns out as a lie. A FUCKING PATHETIC LIE. What did I do to the world to punish me like this. What did I do to even get into this. I can't trust no body. This world has only liars and cheats. I hate everything." I sed as I ran towards the infinity fortress with the demons I trust. Well some of them were tailing right behind me.

Soon I arrived at the infinity fortress and ran straight to the room me and that man used to share. As I got there I cried my heart out until I passed out.

While unconscious
Muzan pov
I sensed that he was not here so I ran out of plain sight that took me awhile cause the city was buzzing with humans. And teleported straight in to our room. There I found kokoshibo lying on the floor still and puffy eyes. I came closer to inspect but suddenly he jolted awake and pushed me away. " Don't you dare come close to me or touch me you fucking lier." He spat with venom in his voice. It broke my heart so so much.

"Please it was a mistake let me explain..." I sed trying to grab his hand. " No.... You don't get to. I had scene enough to conclude that you have been cheating on me since who knew. " I sed as tears started to fill up in my eyes. " But babe......" He interrupted me. " No don't ever call me that. I hate you. You just wanted to a toy to play with. You all just want to toy around with fucking pathetic lies for your own fucking selfishness". " I thought you loved me but I now understand that that was a one sided love. I hate you and all of those that hurt and play people like you. I hate you...I hate you...I HATE YOU" he sed sobbing.

"I don't want to even have this..." ( Slap ) He was interrupted with a slap in his face as he fell down holding his bruised cheek and with a loud groan. I didn't know what came over me. I was blinded by my own anger that I hit the person I live for. My one true love. He the suddenly stood up and went some where and a few minutes later he came back with a bag and came next to me.

" You know what muzan we are done. Don't you dare call me anything of you or come and search for me I am nothing to you." He sed as he took of the ring and threw it down to the floor and started to walk away then he abruptly stoped and looked back at me from his shoulder giving me a good look at his regenerated but still leaving a bruised mark on his cheek and sed. " I don't know why I fell for your selfish traps but that doesn't mean I truly hated you but when you raise your hands on me that all changed. Now I wish I never even met you" he spat out and left me. Forever.

Some time later when my brain started to function again I felt to my knees and some tears left my eyes as I realized my one and only love left me. All I dedicated and hard work was only for him and only him. My hands started to look for the ring he threw and after looking for a while I felt something shaped like ring touch my hand as it was his ring with a huge crack on the middle of its gem.

" Kokoshibu you are only mine and only mine. You got away from me this time but no matter I will find you and then you'll never leave me. We will raise our children to be strong to with stand the sun and then you'll never leave " I sed as I smiled to the corner of my ears as I twirled the ring on my finger
Hello guys, how's me crappy chap and before you say yes, I didn't post Sunday and I have only 4 words for me excuse. No body is perfect. Shout out for the people who understood me and I hope your having a great day or night and as always

Remember to be hydrated and drink plenty of water

Your beloved
~A/n chan~

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