Our conversations had skilfully dodged the topic of what was to come. She heard tales of London that I remembered from my past, and I heard stories of the orphan home near our school, and both of us didn't talk about anything that had happened since we met.

"Can I ask you something?" her voice brought me back as she leaned against my shoulder.

"Anything," I replied as her fingers played with mine.

"What will you do? When all of this ends?" She asked.

"When all of what?" I questioned.

"When we have talked to your father. When we find the...person who attacked me, and Reah has killed him too. What will you do once the fight is over?"

"I haven't given that much thought, actually," I thought for a few more seconds before adding. "If I can't find my grandfather now, I want to find him after this."

"Makes sense," she nodded. "But what comes after that?" she asked again.

"I don't know..."

"Everyone like us...lives so long. I think that's what I couldn't wrap my head around for the longest time. The powers will come; I am patient. But..."

"What's bothering you then?" I asked, turning to face her.

"I didn't plan much, you know?" she smiled sheepishly. "I had no idea what I would do or where I would go after the Academy fucked me off with a certificate. And I always thought I would take the first bus out of there and let fate decide where I would end up. I would spend some time, but I would find a job with a degree from the Academy, and that's it. That was the plan."

"If it makes you feel any better, that was my plan, too," I shrugged.

"No, it wasn't. You had two career paths waiting for you."

"None that I ever wanted," I smiled, holding her in my arms again. "I don't know what I would do to spend my time hiding between the humans for the next few years- "

"Or centuries."

"I am not that optimistic about the survival skills of human beings," I said. "But, before they ravage it with nuclear weapons, and the world is still beautiful, I want to travel. I want to see every inch of the face of the earth, and I have all the time in the world to do that, too."

"That's- "

"Unless that's not something you would want to do?" I asked.

"Me?" Aethera questioned, confused. "Why would you care if I want to travel the world?"

"Because I want to do it with you. And I understand if you're more of a homebody. We can do it slowly. Spend some time living in a place for a couple of years and then move on and travel to another place," I suggested.

"I didn't..." Aethera hesitated. I could feel her confusion, but I needed her to know it was straightforward. I knew the prospects of me surviving without her were bleak. "After everything, I know it's stupid of me to deny it, but a tiny part doubted that you'd want to do something together after this."

"I could spend my entire time with you in a far-off mansion with books all around if that would mean seeing you every day, Aethera."

"Don't worry, I am not cruel enough to bind you to the library, and I think after many years, I'll want to leave too," she smiled as the plane touched down.

"We're here," Jace said, springing up from his seat as soon as the plane reached a standstill. "This private airport has limited staff, so I'll need you to carry your weapons yourself, Art. And keep them close. I don't trust your father. He controls the city well, which should always keep us alert. We're already on the outskirts as it is."

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