Moryn had moved to stand in front of the stall, wringing his hands. "What are you two up to?"

"Avoiding my mother!" Aegon said brightly.

A slight smile crossed Moryn's weathered face. "Well, I suppose even princes have to escape their mother's wrath at times." He motioned for Aegon to move forward and he quickly led Seaflame out of the stables.

Aerion glanced towards the castle and noticed a glimpse of someone in a white cloak striding towards them. From this distance, he was unsure of who it was, but either way they were running out of time. "Aegon, we have to go!" he said, holding his hand out and quickly helping to pull Aegon up behind him.

The second Aegon was settled, Aerion kicked Seaflame's sides and sent them off in a gallop across the courtyard and towards the main gate.

"Fuck!" Aegon cursed loudly, arms quickly reaching out to wrap around Aerion in an attempt to steady himself in the absence of a saddle.

"I thought you were a dragon rider?" Aerion teased, ignoring the warmth that flowed from every point where Aegon was touching his body.

"Does Seaflame look like a dragon to you?" Aegon asked snarkily just as they flew past the guards standing at the main gate. Getting out of the castle was always easy. The guards were trained to keep threats from coming inside and not to stop wayward princes from escaping.

They dashed through the streets of King's Landing towards the Dragonpit, dodging around sellers wheeling their carts down the streets and others walking along the common roads of King's Landing. Aerion didn't dare to go any slower in case Alicent figured out their destination and attempted to have someone cut them off before they reached the Dragonpit. Luckily, Seaflame's endurance could have rivaled that of any sand steed in Dorne because by the time they reached the top of Rhaenys' hill, she was barely winded.

Aegon slowly removed his arms from around Aerion and slid to the ground, Aerion following close behind. He handed Seaflame's reins over to one of the dragonkeepers who would watch after Seaflame until they returned.

Now that they were actually at the Dragonpit, Aerion felt himself relax. It would only be a matter of moments before they reached the cave where Sunfyre had made his home and then they would be able to take off into the air where no one could catch them.

Aegon confidently led the way to Sunfyre unchallenged. They were such a common sight at the dragonpit that their presence was hardly noticed. Aemond had yet to claim a dragon and Vermax was also still too small to be ridden. Helaena sometimes joined them on their flights, but the journey from the castle to the dragonpit often made her anxious.

Selfishly, Aerion was glad that she didn't often choose to accompany them. He enjoyed having Aegon's attention to himself.

"Sunfyre!" Aegon called out excitedly as they entered the mouth of his chosen cavern. The golden dragon let out a loud exhale as he opened his eyes to observe them approach and quickly extended his head towards Aegon to be pet. Like Aegon, Sunfyre tended to be desperate for affection and deeply loyal.

Aegon ran his hand along his dragon's snout with a wide smile on his face. There were few places where Aegon seemed brighter than when he was standing beside Sunfyre. Aerion often wished Aegon's parents could understand and appreciate the passion he had for dragons and flying. Instead of fostering that interest, he knew that Alicent especially thought flying was a waste of time.

She wasn't a Targaryen. It was impossible for her to understand the importance of the bond between dragon and rider.

Aegon climbed onto Sunfyre's back with practiced ease and Aerion ascended behind him feeling the warmth of the dragon's body beneath his legs.

Sworn Fate // Aegon Targaryen IIWhere stories live. Discover now