1. Death

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Harry woke up after being hit with the killing curse, he knew he was bloody and utterly dead why in Merlin didn't he listen to his so called friends about not going into the forest and facing Voldemort... no Tom the bastards name was Tom Marvolo Riddle he would call the egotistical megalomaniac lunatic by his birth name or his name wasn't Harry James Potter!

When he woke up fully and for some reason he had to stretch like he would do every single blasted morning up in the Gryffindor male dorms after listening to the pig next to him in the other bed snore away like there wasn't a murderous idiotic lunatic running around after his damn blood which he got back in 4th year...

...why thank you Barty Jr for helping him through the damn maze as well as Peter killing Cedric in front of his eyes only to bloody well use his blasted blood to bring back the idiot....

..calling Tom an idiot was kind of making him feel better in himself and he sat up cross legged and looked around

"So this was the after life seems kinda boring if you ask me" he saw endless fields around him all covered in flowers, yeah this was strange but he could see a dark figure in the distance and as he tried to get closer the fields started to fade and another place started to form he knew this room..

...the common room

"Why in Merlin am i fucking here?!" he shouted he didn't notice the dark figure sitting down in a chair waiting for him to calm down

"I was going to my fucking death and I end up fucking here of all places I really want to know who's sick joke this all is!"

A laugh brought Harry to the attention to the person in black

"Professor Snape?"

"No Master I am what some people call Death but I do have a true name but only my Master can call me that no one else, I think Lady Magic has a weird sense of humor if you ask me but alas I know it but I can not say it"

"Who the bloody hell are you?" snapped Harry he just wanted to leave and head to battle if he could that is he had no clue what was going on and if he wanted to amit it he was scared

Yes he could take what ever Vernon could dish without a scream or grunt in pain and could face Tom easily but this.... he didn't know he was scared... truly scared after facing Tom no less than 5 different times and he could name each and everyone.... he could remember them....

1. as a baby, that very night he lost both of his loving parents at the age of 15 months
2. in the room after safety getting the Philosopher stone, he did however send it back to Nicholas Flamel with a note about what had happened, the two became good friends and would send letters quite often
3. in the chamber of secrets, he so wished he let Bertha kill Ginny the bloody stuck up tart that she was, she never got the message that he didn't like her
4. in that blasted graveyard when Tom was brought back to life, only to lose Cedric in it all, he lost his boyfriend that very night
5. in the Ministry, for Merlin sake everyone hated him as he was the so called Boy Who Lied only to become the Boy Who Lived again who in Merlin's name came up with these stupid names? he had no clue

After all he had an eidetic memory after all even if he had to hide it all so then he would appear "normal" in his relatives eyes and here... here at Hogwarts he realised that he had to let Hermione be the Top student everyone called her "The Brightest Witch" and Ron who just couldn't be asked and just wanted to play chess and goof off, so he put himself between them each and every time he hated it but he knew Hermione would kick up such a fuss if she wasn't top

He hated playing dumber than he was but if he had worked out that his so called friends were being paid from Dumbleshit from his very own account but he had gotten it all cleared but back just before 6th year started so easy and they still didn't even know about it all just the way he like things... perfectly falling into place

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