Jeongin's party 🦊 1

Start from the beginning

Knowing that you will be drinking, you make yourself a simple sandwich and eat it, while also being careful not to stain your clothes, right before the taxi arrives. The car takes you to Jeongin's house and you come into the crowded place, greeting some people on your way through the house.

Being stuck somewhere in the middle of the hallway because of the crowd, you can't advance further so you climb on your tippy toes to see if there are any boys from the group around whom you can meet. Suddenly, a tap on your shoulder startles you and you turn to see blond Felix smiling big at you.

"You made it!" he spreads his arms and you fall into his hug, wrapping your arms around his slim waist tightly.

"Thank you for inviting me, Lix," you let out a sigh and pull away to look at him, "I seriously needed this."

Felix smiles and brings his hands up, "Congrats on your passed exams. Let's start this party the right way," he winks and you lower your gaze to his hands that are holding a tequila shot each.

You take one and clink it with Felix's, "Let's get this party started."

Both of you down the strong alcohol in one go and hiss in unison as it burns your throats. You laugh and Felix guides you to the kitchen.

"So, what do you want to do tonight? Care to try my fruit punch?" he wiggles his brows and you roll your eyes.

"Okay, but one glass and that's it," you say and Felix rejoices, pushing through to get to the big glass bowl, "Wow..." you gasp as Felix is already pouring you a drink, "That red looks deadly."

"I know you're not a wuss. You can take it," he offers you the red plastic cup, ice blocks and gummy bears swimming in it.

You take the cup from him and try the drink, your eyes widening from the smallest sip, "Holy shit, Felix! This is super extra sweet, god damn!" you grimace, "And not to mention, strong as fuck!"

Felix laughs, "Jeongin loves it. He had two cups already," he shrugs and pours the fruit punch for himself.

"What?!" you gasp, "You gave Jeongin this... poison? Are you insane?!" you protest but Felix shrugs again, clinking his red cup with yours.

"Cheers," he exclaims and starts drinking.

You stare at the blond boy downing the ridiculously sweet fruit punch and carefully take another sip yourself.

"Ah, refreshing!" Felix gasps after finishing his drink, winking at you as if he has just done a refreshment drink commercial. "So..." he continues, leaning back on the kitchen counter, "Tell me - what have you been up to these days?"

You chuckle and roll your eyes, telling Felix that besides exams you haven't been "up to" anything else. He calls you boring and you punch his arm, starting to defend your college major and how that studying to be working your dream job in the future was boring but would give you good results in the end.

Felix clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes now, "Whatever," he turns to pour himself some more of the red fruit punch, a big cheeky smile plastered on his face, "Now that your exams are over... how about a hook-up?"

You take a step back, holding your hand up, "With you? No, thanks."

Felix laughs, "Not with me, silly! There are ton of men here tonight!" but then he steps closer, nudging you, "And I heard some of them were missing you..." he wiggles his brow and you grimace.

"Nah, I'm good," you back away again, taking another sip.

Felix sighs heavily, "Damn, when did you get this boring!? All that studying killed your party brain cells or what?!"

Partying with Stray Kids [SKZ ONE-SHOTS] ⏸️Where stories live. Discover now