Hyunjin's party 🥟 1

Start from the beginning

"Bummer," you pout and step back as a random tall man blocks your view of the barman with his broad back.

"Wanna get a drink?" you hear someone behind you and you turn to see him smiling big at you.

"Oh my god, Jeongin!" you smile, glomping the boy. He returns the hug, wrapping his long arms around your figure tightly. You look at him again and see that he's still wearing his soft smile, "I would really want a Margarita."

"Say no more," Jeongin winks and takes your hand, pushing through the crowd to get in front of the barman. "Hi," Jeongin greets the man with a shaker in his hands, "One Margarita for the lady and one Tom Collins for me," he orders and the barman nods, grabbing two glasses behind him.

"Oh wow. Tom Collins, huh?" you smirk and Jeongin shrugs. You share a small laugh before Jeongin leans to you to speak into your ear over the loud music, "You look great."

"Thanks, you too! I like the classy yet causal fit you put together," you reply and he nods, "Have you seen Hyunjin?" you lean away to see his reaction.

Jeongin shrugs and comes to your ear again, "Saw him for a moment when I got here, and then he disappeared as every guest wanted him," he leans away from you and rolls his eyes.

The barman just placed your drinks and you thank him, grabbing your glasses and moving away from the bar.

"Yooo! Here's our princess!"

A voice louder than music stops you in the hallway and you see Han Jisung making his way to you.

"Oh, here we go..." Jeongin rolls his eyes and takes a sip of his drink, both of you watching Jisung stumble around with a cup in his hand.

"Hiii babyyyy~" Han sings, literally falling onto you, making you stumble back. You are lucky Jeongin was there or you would have fallen by the weight of Jisung's drunken body. He giggles as you're trying to push him away but Jeongin comes to help, standing Han on his feet again.

"Hyung, you're drunk," Jeongin comments, and Jisung laughs more.

"I am... but just a bit," Jisung closes his thumb and index finger, laughing uncontrollably.

"Nah, Ji, you're wasted. And the party has just begun," you frown and Han stands on his feet, away from Jeongin, his body swaying and his eyes closing and opening drunkenly.

"I. Will. Be. Fine." Jisung speaks in pauses, chugging the remains of a beer in his cup.

"You reek of alcohol," Jeongin pinches his nose, "Just what did you drink before this?!"

Jisung giggles and pulls his hand up, listing drinks on his fingers, "I had a martini for starters, then I toasted with Hyunjin using good old whiskey, then... I guess that was another martini, then whiskey with a big block of ice, and then... I can't remember," he breaks down into another fit of laughter and stumbles again, Jeongin catching him.

"You've had enough," Jeongin scolds his hyung and gives you his half-empty Collins glass, "I'll take him to bed. Sorry, I have to leave you."

"Nah, don't worry. Just take care of him," you and Jeongin share a nod and he takes the drunken friend down the hallway in search of a room while Han sings a song from "Frozen".

You meddle with some people, getting to know a lot of Hyunjin's friends and colleagues yet the party host is still missing. You still hold onto hope and your purse, determined to give him your gift before the party ends.

A couple more Margaritas in and you're already giggling with Minho in the house's foyer. You're both laughing at some joke he threw and your feet are already feeling shaky so you lose your balance a bit, falling onto his chest.

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