Prologue: What I want

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POV Third Person

In this world, there are heroes, villains, and those without power. 80% of the world is born with extraordinary, strange, powerful, or weird abilities. Some use this gift to pursue their own malicious or greedy goals, some use it to protect and save others, but that 20% of the world without power, is shunned for being weak and powerless. In a world such as this, why would someone choose to hide their power?

Y/N Kagaya is a normal boy, he goes to a normal school, wears normal clothes, and acts accordingly to the norm, he doesn't go out of his way to stand out or pick a fight, he doesn't try to be different.
While most kids at age five were excited to discover what kind of quirk they had inherited from their parents, Y/N felt a sting of unease and nervousness.
Until now, all of his friends didn't have a quirk, then they all started popping up everywhere. Every kid was excited to show of whatever weird or wacky power they gained, but not Y/N he didn't want all eyes on him, especially after learning what his quirk was.
He was terrified to be judged by others, terrified of being in the spotlight, his little heart couldn't take it, he felt tears welling up in his young eyes at the thought of everyone looking at him to see what trick he could do, he was scared of disappointing them.
So, he lied.

A lie so long lasting and elaborate that let him move unseen in a crowd, continuously perpetuated.
Making the world think he was quirkless.


As I walk down the street, I hear a mass of commotion coming from around the corner. I turn the corner and what I witness made my stomach turn.
The number 1 hero himself All-Might rescuing two students from a villain in just one hit. It was a sight to behold for everyone there, but it made me feel sick, the thought of being in the place of any of them.
All the attention, all the praise, all the eyes on you, looking for you to say something, to be the hero. I could never do that, just the thought terrifies me.
I foresaw news reporters about to arrive to interview witnesses, so I made myself scarce before I would be seen.

I walk back home to an empty house and up to my room, my parents often work late so it's normally up to me to make dinner for them and myself but it's no problem really, it's just a chance to gain culinary experience I suppose.
Looking at the ceiling of my room from the floor it's like an empty void trying to suck me in, an empty void trying to fill itself with me.
It wouldn't work, I'm hollow.
Kind of in an emotional sense but more in a physical sense, an empty space for my quirk to work properly, despite the fact I've never used it.

I never felt the need to change, never felt the need to see what could be different, never intended to prove I was special.
Every day I wander through the same cycle, the same loop. Never changing, always the same enclosed comfy cycle.

And then it was broken.

I had picked up some groceries to make dinner since we were out of ingredients, I didn't know what compelled me but I decided to try a new recipe, maybe it was something in the air that made me go out of my way like this.
Maybe it was fate.

While walking back home I saw two unsavory people walking into an alleyway that I was about to pass, and when I did move past I glanced down the dark alleyway.
What I saw made me sick to my stomach.
A girl, two men, even recounting it makes me almost puke again but this time, it was a different sick.
Like my body was boiling like a kettle, my heart pounded in my chest the pulse throbbing in my ears, my veins were burning, my eyes stung with tears.

It felt like a blur.
The sound of plastic bags falling to the ground followed by swift taps of shoes, the feeling of skin slamming against skin, the surface level burning of punches to the chest, face, and gut.
The feeling of solid brick against my back, the throbbing ache in my head echoing deep in my skull, a crack as I drove my fist into their ribs, the slam of his head on the wall sandwiched between my elbow and solid hardened clay.

When the smoke cleared and the adrenaline faded, I looked around and found the girl nowhere to be seen, blood was pouring from my nose adding to the puddle already on the ground.
The last thing I heard was the sirens of a handful of emergency services arriving.

I woke up in an uncomfortable hospital bed, the unknown girl at my side waiting for her chance to apologize and thank me before leaving.
A doctor came and went, and I was left alone.

This feeling.
I like it.
I feel full, fulfilled.
I want more of this.
I want to hear the thanks of more people.
I want to feel more full, more fulfilled, I want to fight against more people like that.

I've made up my mind, even if I do fail in the end or even at the start

I want to try.
What I want.
I want.
I want to be a hero.

(WIP Title) Shuichi Kagaya Male Reader X My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now