Butter-fly (555) Chapter 1

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                Butter-fly (555)
                         Chapter 1

They were on the top of the mountain, so then an airplane came and crashed my car, so I was angry. Then i jumped and jumped to return to my house. After i came to my house and i started to clean my windows with potato soda, but I really didn't like the flavor of windows with potato soda, so i start to think, and i slept, when i woke up it was 2090 年, it was and abandoned city, i thought humans aren't in earth, so i started to explore that city, then, I founded aliens singing rap and playing with nuclear bombs (not so dangerous tho) so i asked to the aliens why humans aren't anymore living on earth so they answered me in a strange language that i couldn't understood a shit so i walked and walked and then i had hungry so i saw that near was a big city so i enter there but, i saw that they use money and i don't had alien money I only had 50000000000 dollars because one day i kidnapped the Eritrea's president and i paid 50000000000 For return the president alive.

So i only have 50000000000 Sadly i was so sad, then i close my eyes and then, i woke up, wtf, all was a dream, I jumped from my bed, and i was in another place i was... on a castle, i was the Eritrea's president! It's real the fact that i kidnapped the president, but i realized that when i kidnapped the Eritrea's president i talked with him and he said that he was so tired of been the president and he asked me if I can be the president instead he, and i agree. 

Now, that i'm the president of Eritrea, i had some ideas for do, and i thought, why not to conquist the word?

And that's my new objetive, conquist the world.

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