My family

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My family is not that interesting. My parents are generic character and side character.

I have quite a few siblings but my favorite would have to be randomized character, they were adopted not that long ago from what we know their parents name was character generator. Honestly sometimes there a pretty sweet kid and others there an angry adult . They can never decide on a name, but honestly I don't mind.

Then we have my sibling beta character they also go by unfinished, not  used and forgotten . Honestly they never do anything. On a rare occasion I'll hear about them in some peace of gossip that seems important but never is.

Then there's my older sibling, friend character. They're basically the opposite of  forgotten , always involved in important stuff. They know everyone just not everything . They're pretty good for advice but only choose to share it randomly. Just last week 10 of their friends hooked up with mafia bosses, it's weird. 

Then there's my family outside the capital, like my cousin in a/b/o. Their names generic beta character, not to be confused with my sibling. They're basically are the same as  friend, in on most things and talks to the important people a lot. Unlike friend, beta  handles things like heats, ruts , and their friends discovering that they're alphas, betas, and omegas. Honestly I don't know how they live there apparently randomly some people will become highly valued then seen  as trash.

Then there's my other cousin in Harry Potter. Honestly their life is basically as chaotic as beta. Their name is generic friend but make it Harry Potter character. They basically deal with a lot of Draco simps and drarry shippers. Pretty sure they died at least once. Agian, wouldn't be able to live their life.

Authors note

This is not a deep story relative to my life it's just a haha funny type thing

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