Off to new adventures

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Y/N's pov:
We have explored LOTS of new things since we left that island weeks ago. Treasures, caverns, other islands AND taverns of course!
Welcome into pirate's life my friends!!
We're still the same good old team. Will is my Will. I never thought that I would love him that much. And now he's mine. What can go wrong?
After a long week in the sea we are all posed in the boat who's voguing in the middle of the ocean.
Jack takes a little break so we all sat on the floor to do our little ritual: telling some legends and stories we knew.

Gibbs starts with one where an old pirate killed his wife and eat her right after... He dampened the mood a bit but it's Gibbs, we still like him like he is.
At my big surprise Paula starts to talk! Good, I guess?
"Have you already heard about The Medallion of the corpse island?"
"Nope" we all answered.
"The legend says that the one who wears this medallion is gifted of eternal life. It says that the corpse island is guarded by a big kraken who will eat the boat of the one who will try to take it."

Jack's pov:
If what this girl says is true then I need this medallion. My dream of being the forever captain of the Black Pearl can finally become true.
It would be dangerous but it cost what it cost. Pirates don't stay without doing nothing anyway...
I have a plan, of course it will not involved the kids... I don't want them to be hurt.
"We will get this medallion. And don't try to talk me out of it!
-Are you losing your mind? We can't go to something that dangerous!"
I knew that the kid will be furious.
"Y/N, it's an opportunity that will never comes back to us.
-And what do we win?
-A good adventure?"
She looks at me with those very angry eyes. I really messed up. She left the principal bridge and go down stairs...

Pirate's life for me -volume 2Where stories live. Discover now