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For some reason, something in Maybell's DNA allowed her to breathe the air on Pandora. This was something that the Avatar Program found interesting and maybe someday could be used for their own good. They made an agreement with her that they would not take samples of her DNA for experimentation. But if she ever volunteered, then they could have the samples. Jake was very protective of her and he had made sure she wouldn't be hurt. He was afraid of her being used as an experiment for the Avatar Program.

Jake made it clear that she was to stay away from the Avatar Program. Maybell is his niece. They are family. Jake didn't want anything bad happening to her and he's afraid if she does become an experiment for the Avatar Program something bad will happen to her. After she gave him puppy dog eyes and begged him, he couldn't say no. He knew she was just as curious about Pandora as he and the others were. He knew she wanted to learn more about herself and her parents. He knew that she felt different from everyone else and his heart ached at the fact that he knew she felt like an outcast.

Jake had always been sure not to make her feel like that. He was a little overprotective of her and maybe he shouldn't have been. She was capable of taking care of herself and didn't need him to protect her all the time. She was growing up whether he wanted her to or not. Part of him wished she could stay young forever, but that wasn't how life worked. Jake could only do so much and it was her decision what she did with her life.

Maybell was very smart and he was proud of her for that. She loved learning new things. She was a fast learner and he had seen the curiosity in her eyes. He had seen the excitement and joy when she learned new things. Maybell knew all the ins and outs about the Na'vi. She even knew the language perfectly. She was a quick learner for her age. He taught her how to use a bow and arrows, how to hunt, how to fight, and many other things. She had picked them up quickly and now was one of the best archers in the entire clan. She could probably beat him if she tried.

But Jake knew how stubborn she could be. When she got her mind set on something, there was no stopping her. There was no way to convince her otherwise. It was the same with her father and him. She was very much like her father and it kind of cared him to see it. There was no changing her mind. So when she asked him if the Avatar Program could help her learn more about her DNA, he couldn't say no. Especially when she gave him puppy dog eyes. He had caved and given her permission.

That's where Maybell was right now. In the Avatar Program, being an experiment for them. She was very nervous about the whole thing, but she was determined to learn more about her DNA. To learn more about herself and her parents and their history. She knew her dad had been in the marines, but she couldn't remember what her mom did. It had been so long since her parents had passed away. Her memory was getting fuzzy. Maybell had tried her best to remember the few memories she had of her parents, but the years had gone by so quickly. She had grown up without them and she hated it, but at least she had her Uncle Jake. He had taken care of her and raised her. He had always been there for her. She wouldn't have been able to get this far without him.

Jake stayed with her as much as he could while she was an experiment for the Avatar Program. There were times when he had to go back to the clan and Maybell understood that. But he would always come back and check on her. He always asked her how she was doing and if she was okay. Maybell always assured him that she was fine. He knew she was stubborn, but he wanted to be sure that nothing bad happened to her. He didn't know what he would do without her.

Maybell had spent weeks inside the Avatar Program, being an experiment. At the end of each day, she was exhausted, but she always told Jake that she was okay. She would tell him that she was okay and she was excited to learn more. She would tell him about her day and the things that she was learning. She was excited about the knowledge she was gaining. Jake had to admit that he was interested in what they were finding out about herself and he was proud and happy for her. But he was also concerned and hoped the results would be worth it.

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