Part 1

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When Harry woke up again he was expecting to see the white Kings Cross once again. Only this time he was hoping to not see Dumbledore, but maybe his parents and Sirius. Maybe Remus too. He wasn't quite sure if the werewolf was to be trusted. After all, he did marry Nymphadora who was a big Dumbledore supporter.

But to his disappointment, that's not what saw when he opened his eyes. No, instead he saw nothing. Everything was blurry and didn't focus quite right. Suddenly, for no reason at all, he felt a surge of sadness. So he cried. He didn't know why, maybe on instinct, but the moment two hands picked him up and covered him in a soft embrace, he stopped crying.

When Harry calmed down enough, he suddenly heard a voice say something. For the speaker it was probably a whisper, but for Harry it felt like someone was shouting in his ears. Something like "Am I holding him right? I'm not going to drop him like this, am I?"

The voice was familiar yet Harry couldn't quite put a finger on it. He could only hope a name was going to be dropped later. While waiting and being extremely bored, he suddenly felt something soft glide past him. He then heard someone or something mew.

There was another person in the room for sure because he heard a male voice say "Prongs look at Harry and Crookshanks! Aren't they so cute together?" The voice squealed. "Yeah Moony, totally!" The conversation kept going but Harry was in compleet shock and did not register anything of it.

Prongs and Moony? So Remus was the one who was holding him earlier. He knew he recognized that scent somewhere. So Remus and his dad were here. Did that mean Sirius and Pettigrew were also here? And his mum? Maybe he could protect them all this time around!

Tho he was beginning to feel very tired so he closed his eyes while reminding himself that this was not going to be the last time he saw them.

When he awoke again something must've happened because the atmosphere was almost suffocating, so he did the only thing that came to his mind and started babbling. One moment he was fine and then a second later there were fingers in his basket trying to touch his face. It was kinda disturbing really. I mean who does that.


Oh right. Almost every adult in existence.

Right back to before. Why the bloody hell was everything suddenly awkward? Did they have a fight before he woke up? It would explain a lot. After a few more hours Harry heard his dad say goodbye to Sirius and Remus and close the door.

A week later after whatever had happened, he woke up to someone singing in his face and something ticklish walking or sitting next to him. Oh yeah, Crookshanks. And they were singing Happy Birthday so it was the 31st of july which meant he still had 3 months with them. At this point he had accepted his parents were going to die. And he could do nothing about it.

But that didn't mean he had to suffer at the Dursleys again.

—————————3 months later———————

It was Halloween now and his father had dressed him up as... as what was he dressed up? He had no clue. But one thing he was sure of was that he wasn't letting Padfoot go after Pettigrew. He hoped he could knock some sense in his head before he left because he wouldn't be able to handle the Dursleys once more.

Then the moment came. He shot one last look at his dad before his mom took him upstairs and started to barricade the door. After that she walked up to him and started to chant something. He had no idea what she was doing because he didn't remember any of this happening. So when she cut her finger and pressed it against some random scribblings against his crib he was very confused.

Until they lighted up and formed some sort of shield around him. Blood magic. He didn't know his parents practiced that branch of magic. But it would explain his fascination with it.

In his past life he really didn't like reading so when he was forced in the library by Hermione he figured he could explore it. And yes you could guess it, he went into the restricted section, where he accidentally stumbled upon a book of blood magic. It seemed interesting enough so he quickly skimmed through it. Honestly he didn't know how long he was there, the only thing he knew was that at some point he finished the book and promised himself he would go back. So yes, to see his mom, a muggleborn witch, use it was a bit of a surprise.

Then Voldemort came in. To be honest, he was more of a cross between Tom Riddle and the Voldemort he once knew. He still had the hair and the face but his eyes were red instead of the normal dark brown. He must've lost too much of his soul when he made Harry a horcrux.

Anyway, apparently the rather traumatizing scene had already happened when Harry came out of his daydream. And he won't lie, he cried a bit because his parents had once again died. But this time Harry had a plan. It wasn't foolproof but maybe he could pull it off.

So then the same thing happened again. Voldemort 'died' trying to kill him, Snape came in and cried a few hours with his mother in his arms (who does that to a dead person while the child is there crying) and just left. Then Padfoot came in. He saw some tears in his eyes, but Sirius did not let the fall. When he saw Harry alive, he let a breath go he had been holding. He looked very worried and, just to be dure looked Harry over.

When he saw Harry had no physical wounds he started smiling a bit. But then immediately he once again got a somber look. He grabbed Harry in one arm while the other one was used for his wand. He quickly and silently did a wingardium leviosa on Lily's body and started walking downstairs. There he laid Lily next to James and put their hands in each other's. It would be cute if it weren't two corpses.

Okay so I will stop it here. I made Harry space out because I really can't write anything that remotely looks like a fighting scene so here you go.

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