After a straight hour or so of cleaning the room, I was out the door of the room that was once mine pulling a suitcase behind me. I walked past many rooms, many with ones that were here long before I arrived. Mr Jones and I stopped at a big room with clear windows with letters wiped across them spelling out something along the lines of 'O-F-F-I-C-E'. I have no idea what it says, Jones knocks on the door, and then another tall male with a suit opens the door from within  the room. I look at the man who asks us to follow him into the room.

After like a straight ten minutes, one of the female doctors from earlier comes into the room. She stood on the side of the desk that had another tall male then she looked at me, then the man said “Ms Lila, can you do the honours of taking the zapper off of young Izuku, here?” The female nodded her head then pulled open a drawer from the desk and then pulled out something like scissors then she closed the door then she walked closer to me, she whispered in my ear “Stand up.” I did as she said, then she put the scissors things apart and put them on the zap thing on my wrist and then they cut through it so easily. I looked at my bare wrist for a whopping two minutes then looked up to the male and bowed my head to her. Then she looked at the male behind the desk and asked “Do you want the one on his neck off too?” He sat there thinking for five minutes then said “Yeah, take it off him.” I was so surprised at the response, then the female nods then moves the scissors to my neck, the cold metal touching my skin softly then just like that the zapper was off my neck too. I had to feel my neck just to make sure. Then me and Mr Jones were out of that place.

When we moved outside the building I looked at the clear blue sky for a long time. It looks as beautiful as I can remember. I looked forward and saw Mr Jones standing there. He smiles then says “It’s beautiful, isn’t it.” I nod then state softly “It really is.” he then starts to walk off, After about two minutes I set off after him.

Mr Jones led us to a black car with everything black besides some colour in the lights at the front and back.

Mr Jones helps me put the suitcase in the back of the car then leads me to the back seat door and opens it. I nod at him then hop into the car, Jones then closes the door. Within a few seconds he opened the driver’s door and was seated in the seat. He looks behind him at me then says “You better put your seatbelt on, kiddo.” I look at my side seeing a bit of felt connected to a metal material at the end. I grab hold of the fabric then look to my other side and grab hold of the buckle and put the belt into it. I then looked forward at Mr Jones who is looking forward too and is also buckled. After he played around with the radio we were off.

We stop at a huge house that I look at for a straight fifteen minutes then get back to earth with the help of Mr Jones with him saying “This is my house, you’ll be staying here til we get
you into a school, then you’ll be staying at that said school, which I’ve already picked, if you don’t mind.” I nod letting him know that it was okay. He does a smile then leads me into the house.

We walk into the house, I look all around the front area, look at the flooring, the walls to the ceiling. Amazed at the beautiful tiles that have a small hint of gold mable in them. I look behind me to see Mr Jones is still at the looking at me when he notices me looking at him he smiles at me then asks “It’s a pretty cool house,isn’t it?” I nod then continue to look at the walls. I move to my left and touch the wall with my hands and let the wall guide me to an arched doorframe. I look behind me again to see that Jones has been following me and is behind me. He does a soft chuckle then states “You can wander the house later, okay, Izuku, let me just show you to your room first.” I nod then follow him up a flight of at least twenty stairs.

Once were both at the top of the flight Jones leads toward a bedroom door. He looks behind him at me who is looking at the pictures on the walls of cats and bunnies. I follow Mr Jones into the bedroom then roam in the room. Jones says “I’ll leave your things here on the bed and you can just look around.” Then he left me to look around the room. I end up just laying down on the bed next to the window and sleeping the day off.

I open my eyes to a new day, I sit up and look around the room to see the sun trying to sneak it’s way in through the window, I pull my legs over the side of the bed and look at the shelves allaround the room. After a moment of silence I hear a soft tapping which I noticed is someone at the bedroom door, I swallow salva then say “Come in!” with that the door cracks open revealing Jones’ head peaking through the gab created by the one. He looks at me then says “Hey, so, I was planning on having the day to ourselves, today, but I just got note that I have work to catch up on, so is it okay if you start school, today?” he is now inside the room. After me just staring him for a long time he chuckles then says “How does that sound?” I completely forgot what he has been talking about but I nodded anyways, he smiled then left quickly out the door, leaving it open.

It was only a few minutes until he came back with clothing in hand which I looked at confusingly he chuckles then says “Your schooling outfit, I’ll be taking you in about twenty minutes.” he dumps the clothing on the bed then says “Also the school your going to has dorms so you’ll be staying there all week, I nodd then he grabbed my suitcase from yesterday dragging it with him as he left the room again, this time closing the door.

What seem like the the whole twenty minutes I struggle putting the tie on, I head now stairs to see Jones at the door. He looks up at me softly sighing then as I make my way at the end of the stairs he says “These things are tricky.” then starts to do up my tie.

We soon were on our way. I was trying to look out the window and I assume Jones notice cause within the seconds the window was down and I didn’t press the buttons on the car door.

Another few minutes go by and we had stopped, the window roles up then I watch as Jones opens the drivers door steps out then closes it, going in my blind spots then reappearing opening my door. He grabbs hold of my hand helping me get out of the car. Then we were making our way to the large building soon we were getting spoken to a man who is a white mouse.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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