CH 13.2 Another Night In Paradise

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"I'll blast you to the next world!" Alex's loud roar filled the air, and an intense light flashed from her hands.

Gabe and Cale were momentarily blinded. They stopped, eye closed, then resumed climbing.

"You don't suppose Rile had anything to do with this?" Cale asked as they neared the top.

Gabe was the first to reach the roof. When he saw her firing a staccato of blasts after his brother, he replied, "Safe bet, Cale."

"Alex, what is going on?" Gabe used his most authoritative tone.

She paused a moment, but before she could reply, Rile grabbed her and forced her hands behind her back.

"Now relax," he told her.

"Don't touch me." She swept his leg out from under him and threw him. The second he landed she blasted him into unconsciousness.

Cale leapt over the roof edge and tackled Alex. She meant to deflect him, but instead sent him over the edge of the building.

"Cale!" Alex jumped after him. With one arm curved around his chest and the other cupping his leg, she shot upwards like an arrow. "I'm sorry, I swear I didn't mean it!" She sobbed into the wind as she flew him back onto the rooftop.

"Alex, what is going on?" he asked quietly.

Tears spilling down her cheeks, she lowered him to the floor and, with a last apology, vanished into the night.

Gabe looked up from where he was bent over Rile, whose body was tense and trembling. His eyes were still closed, but his breaths came in ragged gasps. Gabe's hands were firm as he shook Rile's shoulders. "Enlighten us as to what happened."

Rile opened his eyes and squeezed them shut quickly. "I forgot how bad she can make that feel," he said softly.

"Rile." Gabe shook him. "Enlighten us as to what happened."

"Lay off, Gabe, I'm still a little dazed from her power."

"Poor hatchling. Talk." Gale shook him harder and Rile threw off his hands.

"We should go home first," Cale said. "You're lucky Alex used the white light on you."


The three brothers and Dr. Dewey took a seat in the common room of the carriage house apartment, which smelled faintly of eucalyptus candles and fresh paint. Cale, always eager to please, had insisted they include Dr. Dewey in their evening plans, and when he was in one of his rare stubborn moods, there was no dissuading him. Gabe shot Rile a warning look when the youngest tried to turn on the television. When Rile finally finished telling them what happened, Gabe stared at his youngest brother in disbelief..

Gabe's face twisted with anger as he glared at Rile. "I can't believe you would do such a destructive thing to Alex."

"I'm sorry if I ruined your sweet set up with Miss Submissive to stay home and serve you," Rile didn't sound the least bit sorry. "But I want Alex back the way she's supposed to be."

"So you did her a favor by forcing her to remember what Morgan did to her? I don't suppose you remember that she almost killed herself over that?" Gabe threw up his hands in frustration.

"I was there to stop her. You weren't, Perfect Eldest Son."

Cale quickly stepped in, gripping Gabe's arm in a death grasp. "Let it go," he said. He turned his gaze towards Rile, worry drawn on his face. "I only hope that Alex isn't resorting to suicidal thoughts now because I haven't had enough time of her worth to the Creator of All and to us."

Betrayal - Book 3 of Guardians Saga - EDITEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin