If getting your ass kicked is one way to go...

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When we got there we went to the ticket stand and turns out the first ten people there got back stage free so we got two free and Jacob had to pay for his ticket.

We sat in line and waited and waited and waited.

Soon millions of people were here and none of which I knew soooooooo...

Soon, after ,like, a few hours we got to go in and get out of the cold.

"So... where you going to stay?" Jacob asked.

"I don't know..." I answered.

"You could stay with me..." He trailed off.

"No. If I stay here it would be easier for the fans of Harry or the kids from the hell to find me. So I need to get away." I said. "We need a plan." I said.

"Oh! I got one!" Jacob yelled. " when we get back stage make sure we are the last people in line and after we go see them we make sure we let them see me pushing you away then into the ground then walking off into the street to get away and hopefully they will ask you where you live and you will say no where and they will take care of you. Until you come of age and can live on your own."he smiled. "Oh and text me where you live and ill move there to help you and be your roomate."

I laughed. "Perfect! we are totally going with that plan. What should we be arguing about?" I asked.

He made a thinking face. "Who the fuck knows."

I rolled me eyes and the room went pitch black. I grabbed for his hand. When I found it the lights went on. I let go but be grabbed it again. I looked at him.

"What the hell are you doing, Jacob?" I asked.

"Wha- oh!" he let go of my hand and stuffed his into his pocket. I did the same.

<><> time laps. Backstage

We waited a long time for the line to die down and soon it did and we were next.

The kids went out the doors and left the building and we went in.

"Hey." I said.

They all looked at us and Frank came from the bathroom.

"Oh! heyyyyyy!" Frankie yelled.

I smiled. He's so silly! and to think if my- our plan worked I could be in a tour bus with them! Wow! we would go nuts together.

I looked at them all. "Um hey..." I said again.

"Oh your the one! I was gonna let you sing onstage but the other people wouldn't let me!" Gerard whined at his fellow band members. I smiled.

"I'm Scarlett..." I muttered.

"I'm Jacob." He growled. I looked at him. Was this part of the act. He must be pretending to hate MCR. Okay... Ill go along with that...

"Okay.... hello this is gee I'm Frankie this is mikey here is princess fro fro-" ray gave a wtf!!! look." And this is bobert!" Frankie cheered.

I smiled at his cuteness. Gerard kept staring at me as if he saw me before.

I gulped knowing that since I was and even my baby picture that I have with me now was all over the news he might give me back to him since I heard he wanted me back to live with him a Taylor Swift 'gag and bore me! I'd rather live with Avril Lavigne!' I thought.

I remembered that I had something with me I wanted to be sighed. It was a picture frame that had a pic of me and Jacob. Of course he knew that I was gonna give him the picture back to him before I start getting my ass kicked by him.

"Hey could you sign something for me?" I asked.

"Yea... all of us or-"

"Just me!" Frankie screamed.

"No Frankie. That would be mean. So I'm gonna let gee mikey bobert and princess fro fro sign it too." I almost fangirled but didn't.

"What the hell!" ray asked.

We all burst out laughing but Jacob just chuckled. He's always been a good actor.

I handed gee the frame but Frankie trim it before gee could grab it. I took it back.

"Boi! I don't play!" I said.

He giggled. I handed it back to Gee and he signed it then passed it to mikey he passed it to bobert and he passed it to princess fro fro and he handed it back to me.

"Hey! what about me!" Frankie wounded my ears.

"You promis not to scribble all over the screen?" I asked.
He nodded and I handed him the Frame. He signed it super small but I could still make it out.

"Thank you!" I cheered. I took out the picture.

"Anything else?" gee asked.

Could you sign the back of this for my friend Jacob. He's a bit in a bad mood and doesn't like to talk much." I lied he loves to talk and is almost never is In A bad mood.

They did that and I handed the pic to him. "Thanks" he mumbled.

"Times up! the band needs to get goin!" the person yelled.

"Ota!" I yelled back. "Thank you!" I said the the boys.

They smiled but Gerard made an 'ohhhhh' face then he gulped and smiled. A flash of fear crossed my face and I left the room. He knows.

We walked out side and Jacob pushed me. Good thing I don't have my frame in my pocket but my bag on my back which has all my other things that I have. "Hey!" I yelled surprised.

"Oh right." I mumbled.

" You know that was rude right?" he asked. He seemed like he was really mean. "Are you act-" "yes!" he yelled.

I got up and slapped him acting like it was hard and he did to so he did something back that was bad. Really bad. We heard the doors creak open so he pushed me way to hard and I fell and my head hit the concrete and I blacked out and saw a look of fear flash across his face before he ran off.

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