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One time, on a night out at some party, Harry did nothing but take care of him all night 'cause the idiot got himself drunk out of his mind. He was there when he was picking up some girl just to make sure he didn't pass out; he was there when he threw up and hit his head against the bathroom wall; he was there to give him water and steady him in every step. At some point, a girl who have been watching them argue 'cause Harry was trying to keep him hydrated, asked him if Harry was his boyfriend. The humiliation was very visible in Harry's face when he replied "uhmm no, just friends". Like, the fuck was he doing? It was not as if he was going to remember the next day how much Harry cares for him in a non-platonic kind of way. In fact, his exact words were: "Thanks for bringing me home mate, last night was wild". And Harry wanted to strangle him and probably shoot himself afterwards.

As off right now, he is moving his hand frantically over his cock. The shame has always been a turn on for him. He's so close now his knees are buckling. So he puts a hand against the opposite wall to steady himself and he fucks into his fist. The motion of his hips moving makes him so hot he moans louder than he intended to.

Someone knocks loudly on the door three times.

"Harreh you in there, mate?"

And he almost comes from that alone.

Of course it's him. And Harry wonders, after all this time how is it still possible to still be longing for Louis Tomlinson?

And ugh, his voice. It makes him fuck his cock harder, but also more sensually. Slowly, to drag it out. He bites his lip as to not moan his name out loud (he's certainly doing it in his head).

"We really should get going. Are you quite finished yet?" And no. Harry's not finished.

He takes a deep breath and says, "Y-yeah, just a sec," voice a little shaky. He's fucking his fist with a force he didn't know he possessed up 'til now. He's right on the edge, he just needs...

"Well come on then." And that's it. He bites his bicep to try to keep the noises in and his hips stutter as he comes. The hand pressed against the wall scratches the tiles and a low groan manages to escape his lips. He falls to his knees onto the floor as he comes down, panting heavily.

Once he's able to get his mind to function again he goes back to thinking. He doesn't know if Louis' still out there and he will be mortified if Louis caught on to what he was doing moments ago. But secretly he hopes he did. He's kinky like that, okay?

At this point he wants Louis to know. Just to finally know everything. It's about time, really.

After a minute or so, he gets up and turns off the water. He dries himself off and wraps the towel around his waist. He goes to unlock the door but decides to check himself in the mirror first. He still looks a bit flushed, his eyes a little droopy. But he thinks he can face Louis, so he opens the door.

"Well you look flustered," Louis says smirking after taking one long look at him. Harry curses inwards. "What took you so long, eh?"

And Harry was never good at lying so he looks down and walks to the sink mumbling, "Uhm nothing, just taking a shower." He grabs his face cream and squeezes a fair amount in his hand.

"Mmm okay, if you say so," Louis turns around about to exit the bathroom.

"What's that supposed to mean?" and Harry is getting frustrated now, 'cause he just came to the thought and voice of this man with said man being in the next room and it was so good. But of course he's getting hard again because he was never good at controlling himself in front of Louis, less so when he's teasing him.

Louis stops in his tracks with his back to Harry and puts his right hand over the door frame. He looks over his shoulder to Harry and hesitates for a second. Harry knows what's coming, they've been there before. But somehow this time feels different. It had been so long since they last saw each other, probably two years ago in one of his concerts Louis went to. And now it's not the same as it was back when they were living together. Louis can't just up and ask him if he jerked off in the shower like he used to. They are older, more mature. Plus, they live totally separated lives and Louis has no business in what Harry does sexually. Still... "Were you-" He looks Harry up and down slowly while leaking his lips and abruptly says, "Nevermind." He starts walking out again but Harry interrupts him.

LONGING FOR YOU - l.s. (long one-shot)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum