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Hi there! This is my very first one-shot. It's a bit long but I'm proud of the result (took me 8 months to get here). Honestly I think I've gotten better since I started and the last part ismy favorite.

Hope you like it! Feel free to comment and vote if you do!

Word count: 7.373


After the third reunion concert, Harry can't take it anymore. He's so tired he is struggling to breathe properly. So he gets out of stage as quickly as possible, running straight to the bathroom in his dressing room. He looks in the mirror and finds himself all sweaty, flushed and with his hair a little disheveled from all the jumping and dancing. The three night shows in a row are getting to him. They are not teenagers anymore. Far from it actually. He's turning twenty-six in a little more than three months.

He really should shower, get dressed and leave the stadium to get to the hotel. But he can't will himself to do that. Like, mentally. Physically he's fine enough to get his ass in the shower. The thing is he can't stop thinking, can't stop his wheels from turning and turning and he's just so... annoyed. It's not the reunion with the boys; he loves the band and has always enjoyed their music and performing for his fans. The shows had been great so far, nothing went wrong (except for when he lost his mic for half a song last night) and the fans are being louder than ever. It makes sense after so much time waiting to see them together again, really.

Still, he is annoyed. Annoyed at his body for reacting the way it does. Annoyed at his mind for not being able to just fucking get over it. Annoyed with himself for being so damn weak. So he thinks and overthinks. And all that thinking gets him... well, horny. Yes, horny. He just said he's weak, alright?

He thought he had the situation under control, that he was capable of managing his own emotions. But no. He is not. And like, he hasn't got off to-... just, hasn't got off in like two weeks. If Niall knew about this, he would ask him how is he still alive and with his balls in place? As it is, he feels like succumbing to the other world. And he's hard. The kind of hard he can't get rid off with a cold shower or thinking about olives (he really does hate them). So he needs to jerk of now before someone comes looking and rushing for him to get it on so they can leave and actually get some rest.

So he gets in the shower room, which is separated from the toilet and sink, and locks the door. He turns the water on and lets it go really hot while he takes his clothes off. Then gets under the stream and lets out a groan at how hard the heat makes him. The water soaks him right up and he takes a hold of his cock to relief a little of the tension he's been building up.

And again, like he always does when getting off, he thinks about him.

Him shirtless, him with a sweater, him naked, him with joggers, him in a party, him in the morning, him in the shower, him sleeping, him playing football, him making Harry tea, him sweaty, him in the sweetest perfume. In any way: him.

He who Harry has seen naked more times than he can count, but could never touch.

He who's always had a girlfriend by his side.

He who used to treat Harry like the most precious flower of the bunch, but called him "mate".

He who will constantly catch Harry staring at him.

He who has no idea how fucking gone Harry is for him. Since the very first day. And Harry's been so obvious about it too. Literally anything but subtle. He has totally embarrassed himself in front of him all those years ago. Sure he was a dumb, horny teenager but like why couldn't he act normal around him like the other boys did? He was stupid and had a massive crush, that's why.

LONGING FOR YOU - l.s. (long one-shot)Where stories live. Discover now