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ابدأ من البداية

Zoro listened as he glared. Keeping his head down before lifting his head. Grunting as he scared the blond and watched him back up.

"Touch her and when I get free you will pay for anything you do to her." Zoro spoke.

"Oh ho ho. You think my father is going to let you go? No. You will die here with her. So don't think about escaping at all." He spoke as he walked away from them.

"You okay?" Zoro asked.

"I'm fine." Celestia spoke as she let out a breath. "But he had your katana." She spoke as she sighed. "He's in real trouble for that. Almost makes me feel sorry for him."

"Well it shouldn't." Zoro huffed. "Besides we still have that deal to accomplish once we get out of here."

"If we can find a way out." She spoke. Thinking about what to try next before hearing something from the sewer pipe area. "Did you hear that? Sounded like someone said hey." She spoke as it caught her interest.

"No." Zoro spoke as he went back to keeping his head down.

"Come on. You must have heard it too. I'm not going crazy." She spoke before seeing the sewer gate open.

Luffy moved the gate aside. Climbing out as he was smiling like usual. "Oh hey. It's the two of you from the bar." He pointed out. "Why did they arrest you two?" He questioned.

"Long story." Celestia answered the teen as she tilted her head.

"Ah, well I saw the way you two fought back there. Maybe you could join my crew."

"Get lost." Zoro spoke.

"I am lost. I need to get inside that base. Not outside." He informed before turning to them. "Say.. I need more fighters like you both. I'm Monkey D. Luffy and I'm going to be king of the pirates. What do you say about joining me?"

"Zoro Roronoa. Pirate.. Hunter.." Zoro spoke. "I kill your kind for a living."

"Luffy?" Celestia asked after she perked up. "Are you- it's me. Celestia."

"It's fine. Hey.. wait a minute. Your name does sound familiar." Luffy spoke.

"Did you really forget about me?" Celestia asked.

Luffy took a second as he walked closer to examine her features. A bit too close. "No way... Celestia?! It's you?!"

"The one and only." She beamed.

"You know him?" Zoro asked a bit jealous.

"We grew up together." Celestia spoke. Turning back to Luffy. "About that crew of yours-."

"We are not joining." Zoro stated.

Luffy kept his grin as he walked over to him. "What drives you? Hm? What's your dream?"

"I made a promise to someone to become the best swordsman in the world." Zoro replied with no hesitation. He had to accomplish his goal. No matter what.

Luffy untied him first as he listened to him. Cutting the rope off his waist first. Moving to his wrists and cutting him free.

Zoro noticed. "Just because you set me free doesn't mean I owe you by joining your crew."

"No, of course not but you can't accomplish your dream by hanging out here like this." Luffy explained. "Go out and make it happen." He moved onto Celestia. "What about you Elle?" He asked.

"What about me?" She asked.

"What's your dream?" Luffy asked.

Celestia listened as she thought about it. "I don't know yet." She spoke as he freed her.

"Everyone has a dream." Luffy pointed out.

"I guess I don't have one yet.." Celestia replied.

Luffy gave her a small look. "I know that you do have a dream. You just don't want to tell me, is that it?"

"I think you already know. To get strong enough to do something to someone who hurt me." Glancing at her wrist as she rubbed them a bit. "Thank you by the way." She added. "And about your crew-"

Zoro walked over as he covered her mouth. "You can find someone else for your crew. We should get going." He spoke.

"Right." Luffy spoke amused as he got a feeling he knew what she wanted to say. "Oh, can either of you close this gate behind me?" He asked.

Celestia moved his hand away before walking over as she hugged the teen first. It had been years since she had seen him. Feeling nostalgic of getting to see him grown up.

Luffy was surprised by her hug before hugging her back. Pulling away as he smiled before climbing back down.

Celestia smiled before she chose to close the gate. "Good luck on your quest Pirate Luffy." She spoke. "It was great seeing you again and you might want to go left next time. You'll get in with ease."

"Thanks!" Luffy beamed as he headed in that direction. Feeling glad he got some help and had been able to see a long lost friend.

Celestia smiled before feeling arms around her as she was picked up. Her cheeks immediately turning a bit red. "H-hey!" She spoke up.

"I said we were leaving." Zoro spoke as he set her down but did not let go of her. Choosing to keep his arms around her waist from behind. Sliding a hand to her chin. "And that blush counts as one point for me." He whispered into her ear.

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