"Both of you shut up, goddammit. Akane. what is wrong with your head? what do you get out of this?"

"It's fun. fun to be a destroyer. fun to be a source of many people getting their lives ruined. its...who i am. so shut up."

Nao placed her on the bed.

"I put medicine on her wounds, so she should be able to heal at a few hours. I will call her teacher so that she will be unavailable to go to class. you guys stay here. and akane."

"What do you want slut?"

"don't try anything. or do I have to throw your insolent cruelty out of the room?"


ryugi tapped youxia's shoulder, a small flinch.

"What does she mean by bankruptcy of your family?"


An already written note handed to him sneakily.
It was a vent note.

"Ha. I knew their was a reason why youxi-bitch decided to hide her identity once I exposed her."

"Shut it."

he looked through the notes.

"My name is Youxia Mochi, Daughter of one of the most popular gaming companies in the Asian world. I'm a streamer, a youtuber, and a popular vtuber. but that's out of topic. I'm here to rant about my life.
my family expects a lot for me. And it's suffocating to feel. Every day is the same thing, the same hobby, the same job, the same routine every day. And it's driving a lot of people insane. even me. normally. people would rant about family rejections and disregard their child's safety and help. But mine is powerful, so I don't care if they care about me or not. all i need is to make enough money to get away from my family. From my mother treating me unfairly and my father just being braindead. All I want is to make money, and all I want is to have life be something new. All I want is to have my family notice me, and the last thing.
All I want is to have money to live on my own if I don't reach my goal to get my family to notice me."

"....so that's it..being a youtuber gives you more attention?"

she took back the note.

"Well, if you put it that way..yes."

"What did that loser give yo-"

tape put in her mouth, youxia sighed happily.

"well yes..I don't really want to be at asumi anymore because of my career. I do have a lot of money to buy a house. well, soon enough... but I can stay one more year to protect someone that is more logical and more kind than also 80% of this school. protect umi. after tadeka."

"Tadeka?? Isn't it that girl that kept getting bullied by every single mean girl and male group?"

Youxia nodded and was about to speak another word but was interrupted by coughing. Umi woke up.

"Oh my gosh, are you ok??no No. Don't move. Your injuries are still healing."

youxia layed her back down when she winced in pain.

"Ow..ow... what happened to me?"

"Beaten. and now you're in the nurse's office. you passed out and didn't remember what happened?"

"Yeah..all I can remember is my eyes were closed...and that I was getting beaten down with a bat. So I don't know. all I felt was a strong amount of throws on my body with a stinging pain. I think it's a wooden bat. So, the stinging pain was wood pieces. now. I don't feel it anymore."

youxia grabbed her cheek in worry.

"Glad you're ok.."

"Actually..the people that beat you down got off campus, so the teachers don't know where they are to catch them for this."

Flower of DeathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora