- "Hey, move over hyung, I don't mind that you've taken up more space now, but not that much" declared Jisung as they sat down during one of the 3racha composition session with Chan.

-What are you talking about, brat? I barely take up more space than you!" Said the brunette before giving a hip thrust to the quokka which was almost flown to the biut of the little black sofa.

That's when jisung them an idea in mind. And if you know him well, you'll know that he always gets to the bottom of his ideas, even if he forgets half of them along the way.

So in the evening it was an umpteenth pizza party, and half of them were beginning to get fed up, after all it was the fifteenth they'd made, and let's just say that everyone knew it wasn't the healthiest dish. Yet only one of the eight boyes was happily eating his under the intrigued gaze of his friends, who after a while began to notice that he was being stared at. "What? Do I have something on my face?" Changbin asked.

- "Yeah, just a little bit of sauce here" inflicted Seugmin.

- "Hang on, I'll help you clean it up" declared Felix before taking of a handkerchief and wipe the brunette's mouth.

- "Will you finish my pizza hyung? I can't eat anymore" said Hyunjin, putting down his box where three quarters of his pizza still remained.

Changbin was in awe of all the attention being taken from him at that moment, not even knowing that a few hours before, his friends had discussed his case and had decided one thing: if Changbin wanted to make this offer of free pizza profitable, then he was going to make it profitable thanks to them.

- "I'm full up now, I don't want to eat a thing", he said as he finished eating his own pizzas and those of the others.

- "And there's just this much left" showed Chan.

- "I swear I can't eat any more".

- "Oh come on, stop quibbling, it's just a piece and it won't taste the same tomorrow" added Minho before grabbing the slice and advancing it to the brunette's lip. He was very keen when it came to food, so as soon as the slice was placed in front of his lips, he accepted it and was fed by Minho.

It wasn't the only time this happened. The next day, on their way to the agency to record their voices, they passed a domino pizza. Maybe Chan had taken that road on purpose, but once at the agency, they settled in with their equipment and, above all, some of the snacks offered at the domino pizza, such as garlic bread and a small margherita pizza. Surprisingly, Jisung and Chan were so cheerful when they had to order that Changbin let go a little more than usual and ordered more than he was used to.

But when they arrived at the studio, his friends barely touched their order, so Changbin agreed to eat their share as well as his own. In the end, only two of 3racha's colleagues were working on their new album, while Changbin sat in a corner rubbing his belly after eating so much.

And yet that wasn't going to stop him from eating another pizza in the afternoon and tasting Felix's new batch of brownies.

And so the weeks went by and still more pizzas were ordered, and the more Changbin ate, the more the members increased the quantities.

"You look hungry, better take care of yourself mate", said Chan, offering him a 4-season pizza.

"Finish everything now, or don't complain if it's taste gross tomorrow" said Minho, who was almost force-feeding him a few pizzas he'd ordered himself but he'd barely touched them

"Lix and I had a big one, but you know that with our diets it's not the best thing" commented Hyunjin as he and Felix pampered the brunette with the family's gigantic Pizza, of which they had only had one or two slices.

"Hyung you spend your evenings at the studio , you should eat a bit" commented Jisung as he arrived at the studio with two large boxes of guess what ? .... pizza!

-You want to have a contest to see who eats the most between you and Jeonfin? I'll time you" concluded Seungmin, proud of his plan with the maknae, known for his big mouthfuls.

Weeks became months, and although Changbin was beginning to do without pizza, he was never averse to a slice or two. Anyway, as he'd said, he was going to make the most of his years of pizza.

But eating so much non-stop without exercising had a certain effect that was becoming more and more imposing: his weight.

He was getting fatter by the day, and he couldn't understand how the pair of jeans he'd worn just two weeks ago were already so tight on him, or how the members tried to hide it every time a staff member tried to check their weight.

In the end, he had to weigh in like the other members, and if everyone kept their average weight up, Changbin's had drastically increased.

-" ... 134 ?!?" he shouted when he saw the number on the scale.

No, no, no, it couldn't be! Just yesterday he weighed 78 kg, how could he have gained 56 kg in almost a year?

He couldn't even see his feet any more, everything was hidden by his huge midsection, which seemed to be storing the bulk of his fat. Not to mention his arms, once large and muscular, but now hidden by a thick layer of fat that choked with every shirt he put on. He was sure that if he waddled on the spot, the fat on his body would rise to the top.

Wait ... since when does he waddle? He tried to inspect behind him and realized that his body was simply overloaded with fat everywhere. Nothing had been spared, not even his hands, which were now plump and round.

It was as if all of a sudden a flashback of his year had appeared, and he thought back to all his frenemies, to all those times when members had encouraged him.

But yes, that's it...

-Y-You've fattened me up! he shouted, pointing at his friends.

In reality, he was saying it in shock, but did he really care that his body was so fat? Now the members came easily to cuddle him even when he pretended to pout, this year he felt pampered and loved, more than usual obviously but it was such a high level that Changbin didn't want it to stop.

And then, if the agency slowed down in relation to his weight, they'd dare to fire him! If they did that, the others would leave too! Yeah Changbin love challenge the agency, especially JYP with whom he has a relationship of conflict

-Hyung, I swear we were going to tell you..." Felix mumbled timidly.

-You've taken me up on this offer... it's perfect".

Astonished, they all looked at Changbin, confused but exhausted.

-Aren't you mad at us? Hyunjin asked.

Changbin looked thoughtful, letting his double chin stand out and giving him that face no one could resist.

- "Actually, I think there's one thing I don't like about it..." said Hyunjin.

And then it was panic, tius was afraid of what he was going to say, could this be the end? Yet he had enjoyed feeding them so much this year that they wanted to continue next year, and the year after that and-

-"It's a real disappointed, of course thanks to you, I weigh 134 kilos ...but with a little more effort, I could have reached 143 kilos, which would have been a good promotion for Maxident!" he concluded

They all nodded in agreement before chuckling at his idea.

-Well, I think we've got another week before the end of our unlimited pizza subscription... are you ready to try and gain 9 kilos?" asked Chan. asked Chan.

-At this stage, it's just details".

They all smiled, happy to be able to continue feeding their overfed little dwaekki, while Changbin was happy to have made the most of the offer.

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