Ghost of an Old Friend

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*so I definitely jumping ahead of some stuff because this is getting kinda long, plus I know things did not happen like this in the manga*

"So your telling me Reiner is still alive?"


"And he's been working with the Paradis military...willingly"

"Why wouldn't he? They could have easily given his Titan to one of the Scouts. Could have tortured him for information, but Commander Hange...well she didn't let that happen at least"

"And you?" Magath asked, taking a drag from his cigarette.

"What about me?"

"How long have you been working with them? When did you sell out Marley?"

"I wouldn't call it selling out. More like a liberation for myself, my father, the children that Marley used to their advantage"

"It's no better than what the military does here" Magath said.

"At least they have a choice here" Bertholdt said. "Remember I didn't, Colt...Falco...hell even Reiner at his core didn't care about the Marley empire...just wanted a father's approval"

"It's a shame your father didn't live long enough to see this so called liberation"

"Mr. Hoover is alive." Annie said finally joining the conversation.

The two turned to look at her as she leaned against the sleeping Cart Titan.

"I heard it mentioned once, something about "Hoover arriving, his son, smuggling" Annie said flatly.

"Your father is here...but I was at his funeral..."

"People in Libero aren't as content with Marley rule as you think...I smuggled my father out two nights before I reported his death. That recon ship you sent a few years back the one that disappeared. Paradis knew they were coming..."

"Thanks to you I take it" Magath said snubbing out his cigarette.

Bertholdt laughed a bit.

"A lot of people died in Libero because of you..."

"And I killed a lot of innocent people here...I remember one begging for his life...his scream stills haunts me"

Annie winced at Bertholdt's words, a chewed on her nail.

"But I promise all I planned was for Marley's military to be weakened, killing military personnel only. I didn't know what Eren was planning, neither did the scouts. I will never forgive myself for Zofia and Udo's deaths..." Bertholdt swallowed hard.

Magath let out a sigh. "I believe you may be considered a traitor, but you were never a vindictive person."

"Connie! I found them" Sasha's voice echoed through the woods. The sound of hooves following her voice.

The three of them looked up to see Connie and Falco on one horse and Sasha and Gabi on another. Following behind them were Armin and Mikasa pulling a cart hind them.

"Where's Jean and Reiner?" Bertholdt asked the panic rising a bit in his voice.

"Reiner is resting in the cart" Armin said hopping off the horse.

"And Jean?"

"The Jeargists have him" Armin said.

Bertholdt thought for a moment. "Magath is Pieck up for a rescue mission?"

The Cart Titan found shelter and hiding in a building that was still somewhat standing.

Bertholdt was posted up on a rooftop, looking over to the semi destroyed survey corps headquarters.

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