n he said fuck off

srsly wtf happened???


I messed up

He confessed to me



Syd is calling...

rakim looks up. "i have to take this – i'll be back." he gets up immediately, and goes into the bathroom.

"is it tyler –"

he locks the door and answers the phone. there's a moment of silence. he brings it to his ear.


in the background he can hear domo rapping - maybe, and taco cheering, and some music being blasted through a speaker.

suddenly theres the sound of a door slamming, and all the background noise halts. He hears fidgeting. and tyler.

"fuckin' talk to him, ty!"

"fuck no -"

"ty?" rakim says. theres a pause. then another door slam.

"...what?" tyler croaks.

rakim feels his heart beating like crazy. fuck. he can't mess up - not again.

"..your moms worried as hell." rakim chokes out. fuckfuckfuck shut upshut up. talk - say something important.. he takes a deep breath. "im sorry. I didnt mean to say what i said. i - i feel the same way."

theres a pause. he hears tylers heavy breathing. hes definitely drunk. rakim doesnt know if thats..better or worse.

"...you like me too?" tyler slurs. rakim hesitates, for a moment. he knows he likes tyler - he jut doesn't know if hes ready to say it. Or if hes even ready to be in a relationship with another guy.

"..yes." he mumbles, quietly, almost a whisper. " i wasn't sure before. but i am now. i - i like you."

"oh my god." tyler says, and rakim swears he can hear the smile on his face. a small smile tugs at his own lips.

"im sorry for being treating you lik–"

"rakim. i dont care. treat me however you want." he blurts out. "i - im so fucking happy right now."

rakim laughs nervously. he leans against the wall.

"does this mean we're - we're like dating now?" tyler mumbles. immediately, the smile slips off rakims lips.

"i - i don't know if i -"

"but you like me." tyler blurts. he sounds so excited. "and i like you. so what the fuck are we waiting for?"

"..yeah. but i don't know, ty. if im ready to tell people."

tyler ohs. theres a moment of silence. "thats okay. we dont have to tell anyone, if you dont wanna. it can just be like - a secret."

rakim stares at the ceiling, mindlessly. he feels like an even bigger asshole. the thing is - he likes tyler. more than anything. but - but he can't imagine dating him. ever.

and kali.

"do you really wanna be a...secret?

theres more shuffling. he thinks he hears tyler sip on something.

"i don't mind. i just wanna be with you."

rakim shuts his eyes. "..tyler i can't date you, okay?"


he takes a deep breath. "im dating someone." he blurts. he knows tylers about to speak so he opens his mouth again, beating him to it. "..listen, we just started dating today. its been like five fucking hours. i can't just break up with her."

"you'd break up with her if you really like me?!" tyler breathes out, voice cracking. "why the fuck did you call me?"

"ty -"

"no, seriously. why the fuck did you call me? to get my fucking hopes up for no reason after fucking rejecting me just to reject me agai -"

rakim panics. fuck. hes messing up. again. shitshitshit. he speaks over the other male. "tyler, i like you - alot, so much. but we can't be together, okay? we just fucking can't."

"why?!" tyler yells, over the phone.

"because you're a guy - i can't, i can't date a guy. i'll never hear the end of it."

"fuck you." tyler mumbles. "your a fucking pussy."

rakim blinks. he thinks theres tears forming at his eyes. "i know. im sorry. you probably think im some asshole–"

"yeah." tyler interrupts. he takes another sip. "because you are. your the biggest fucking asshole. and your a fucking faggot and -"

"i dont wanna loose you." rakim cuts. "ty - can we still be friends? dont hang up -"

tyler scoffs. "stay the fuck away from me."

"ty -"

the call ends.

(updates might not be as frequent because school just started again!!)

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