"I keep telling you, Kunhang, don't ask questions that you don't want the answers to!" You snapped back, pointing a finger at him accusatorily.

"It was just a joke!"

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!"

Yangyang pushed the food on his plate around with his own fork. "Suddenly I'm not hungry..."

"Oh my god, it's perfectly sanitary, don't be dramatic." You smacked his arm. "It's either eat it or starve, Yangyang."

And with that, the witch was back to shoveling food in his mouth. "Don't have to tell me twice. This is great, Kun!"

Your boyfriend sighed and shook his head. "Thanks, Yangyang."

After dinner, you knew that Kun was going to start habitually clearing the table, but you already had a plan in mind.

"Kunhang, have you seen Kun's PC setup?" You asked casually, grabbing yours and Kun's empty plates before the vampire could. You knew damn well that Kunhang hadn't seen the computer in his stubborn crusade to avoid Kun at all costs.

The gryphon's features perked up minutely in interest. "No. Is it a custom build?"

Kun nodded as he reached for a glass. "Yes, it is. I can show you after I—"

But you swiped the glass just before his fingertips could brush it. "You two can go look at it. Yangyang and I have got clean up. Right, Yang?"

To your surprise, the witch gave a thumbs-up from where he was reclined casually in his dining chair, pushing it back to balance just on the rear two feet. "Yeah, all good. Go talk nerd shit."

"Are you sure?" Your boyfriend asked you, a visible frown on his features over leaving you with clean-up duty.

"Of course. You cooked, we can do the dishes," you reassured him with a bright smile.

"Alright, thank you." He pecked your cheek before leading Kunhang out of the dining room.

Once you felt comfortable that you were no longer in the gryphon's and vampire's magical earshot, you looked to Yangyang with a curious head tilt.

"So why'd you let me volunteer you for dish duty with no complaints?"

"I knew what you were doing," he said with a shrug, and stood up to help clear the table. "I don't like pissy Kunhang anymore than you do, so whatever you think will help."

"Thanks, Yangyang." You smiled at your friend sincerely, carrying your stack of plates and utensils over to the sink. "Do you mind putting the leftovers away and I'll wash the dishes? Heads up, there is blood supplement in the fridge, but it's synthetic, I promise. If that's too weird, you can just put everything in containers and I'll put it away after I'm done washing."

"I don't mind, I've dealt with grosser. Witch, remember?"

"Right, thanks."

As Yangyang spooned the little leftover food that there was into a container, you rinsed off the dishes and loaded up the dishwasher.

"So you're really cool with all this, huh?" Yangyang commented as he opened the fridge up.

"All what?" You asked curiously. "Kun being a vampire? Having to keep my food next to my boyfriend's synthetic blood? I mean, I grew up with Kunhang and other magical creatures, remember?"

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