PREGNANCY ( edited )

214 8 19

We walked back to the infinity palace as our fingers were interlocked with each other. " I still can't believe he proposed to me. It was so magical. The scene was set to perfection. He must have planned this for months." As I started to live in the infinity fortress a couple of months ago.

Then I looked in to his crimson eyes that glowed in the dark. " Muzan.... Thank you. It was truly a memorable and amazing experience." sed as he stopped and turned to look at me. " My love... It was nothing. It was you that made this experience magical" he sed as he gave a light squeeze to my hand that our fingers were interwinded to.

Then until we got home we spoke not a word enjoying the silence.

¶| few weeks later|¶

My eyes shot open as I quickly ran to my bathroom and hovered our the toilet as I puked in it. This was happening since the day of our date. I always get strange human appetites that ordinary demon would dislike, Mood swings, and morning sickness. Honestly I didn't think anything about it cause only a few weeks ago I ate a lot of candy even a normal person would get sick after eating 20 bags of candy.

Sometimes when I run to the bathroom and comeback I could see how muzan was a little worried about the new changes in me. And a few days ago I noticed changes in my appearance too. I had gained a little fat. I always get tired easily by doing simple things around the fortress and my appetite was changing. I no longer craved for human meat but I do crave for human food. I fear if I go on like this without drinking blood I would die.

Along the days that that passed me and daki got closer until we became good friends. And daki saw me in this situation she suggested that we go see a doctor before anything else gets any worse than it is. The appointment was scheduled for today so I sed to muzan that we were going on a shopping day to avoid raising anymore suspicion from him.

Muzan's pov
I have gotten a little worried because Kokoshibu had changed since the day I propose to him. He always get sick in the morning and has wierd appetites and had quite the anger issues. Like he gets angry at the most insignificant
Mistakes. Gets sad at the littlest things and overthinks and gets jealous about everything.

For example if I catch him eating something he shouldn't and tries to explain him that he shouldn't eat that he goes full blown bomb and those nights I have to sleep on the couch.

If he drops a glass he will get sad for hours on end I have to comfort him the best I can but he always gets pissed. And if I don't comfort him well you can say I will have a slap mark on my face for the rest of the day.

And if he catches me talking to someone other than him he will go to his jealousy mode or overthink about it. Neither of them is good as if he gets jealous he wouldn't talk to me at all or he will insist that I am gonna leave him for some one else and exaggerate until I get him to calm him self down

But most of the time he is normal but his mood swings are getting more and more intense as what ever that was happening with him occurs

And today he sed that he was going to shop today with daki but it only rose my suspicion towards him as he never likes to go shopping unless he needed to. So I decided to follow him not giving a shit about privacy.

At the doctor
Kokoshibu pov ( in female form )
Me and daki left the infinity fortress a few hours ago and bought some clothes and some other stuff as when the appointment ended we go home but what the doctor told us shocked us. We expected every thing but that to come out of the doctor's mouth.

"Well ms.kibutsuji I have good news and more good news to you. Congratulations, your pregnant. And your four weeks pregnant. That explains why the supposed symptoms occured.  Those were pregnancy symptoms. And there are more proof that your pregnant as all the test I ran on you were positive." He sed with a warm smile as he explained all of this.

Both me and daki were shocked. But I was the one who took this shock the most. " Damn.... I only tried once and it happened. Am I that easy to get pregnant" I thought as I slowly recovered from the shock and my vision became blurry as new tears found its way towards my eyes.

It wasn't from betrayal or sadness except it was from the pure happiness and joy I felt. I hugged daki as I cried tears of happiness in to her shoulders as she hesitantly put her arms around my back as tears of happiness tumbled down her face now as my tears socked her pretty kimono. But I wasn't expecting another surprise as I just uncovered that I was four weeks pregnant. But fate had some other plans for me.

Suddenly muzan barged in the door out of no where. As I got a good look at him I could see how happy he was and ran and hugged me.

Muzan pov
I followed them every where to night. It was pretty normal as they went around buying clothes and accessories and stuff like I started to double think and doubt myself as I turned to return to the fortress but my instincts sed I shouldn't. And they were right as after they were done shopping they went to a nearby house and after closer inspection it was revealed to be a doctors house as I smelled a light scent of medicine from inside.

After they got inside I came closer and peeked from the window. Most of Thier conversation was muffled but what the doctor sed in the end made me freeze where I was. Then I saw the looks of pure shock turn to pure joy and happiness from them as they hugged each other and cried tears of joys the first being my precious Kokoshibu. I couldn't help but feel joy as I come inside one way or an other and hugged him as I cried.

Kokoshibu pov
I was a little shocked by him hugging me and that's when I noticed that he had heard everything. Soon we all three left but daki left first by making an dumb excuse and left. But I knew that she just wanted us to have our privacy so I didn't question it.

As soon as her presence were not near us. Muzan took me in to his arms and spun me while landing a passionate kiss on the lips. As the moon light shone on us it was so beautiful

I knew that we have a long journey a head of us and we will complete it together by side by side. We will be each others for the rest of our lives.

Or will they?
Helloooo my fellow readers
I just want to put some fluff in to this but I felt like this was rushed like the last chap was about muzan proposing and this chap was about Kokoshibu being pregnant. So tell me of I am rushing it a little bit I will slow it down a little.

And about my upcoming tests. It was postponed until 19th of September so yeah I guess I will be writing in the usual days. And I hope your having a great day or night. And as always

Remember to be hydrated and drink plenty of water

Your beloved
~A/n chan~

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