Start from the beginning

The drive wasn't long, and soon enough Lindsey and Matt arrived at the beach. Already seeing mounds of teenagers heading towards the sandy shore.

He helped Lindsey unload the car with their chairs and towels. Then headed down to the beach and set up their spot near the fire.

Lindsey and Matt talked about their plans, more so Lindsey than Matt. "Matt, sweetie, you need to make more friends." She said, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"Pretty straightforward huh?" Matt replied sarcastically, 'She isn't going to stop with this is she?' He thought.

Lindsey took a hold of Matt's hand, "It's the only way you'll understand it. I want you to have fun this summer, instead of being cooped up at home. I don't want you to be lonely.."

Matt gave her a look of sympathy, "I know you're looking out for me Linds, I do. But let me go at my own pace. I'm fine with the way things are, and when I'm ready, I'll tell you."

Lindsey smiled, nodding her head, understandingly, "Okay, I'm holding you to that."

The sun continued to set, and more kids started showing up, the party was raving. While Lindsey went over to her friends to chat, Matt stared at the warm dancing flames.

He looked across the embers to see a boy, ocean blue eyes, curly chestnut hair, he looked like a surfer. Matt blushed at the thought, yet he didn't even know this boy's name.

Their eyes met, he seemed familiar. But it was on the tip of his tongue, the boy smiled, and made his way over to Matt.

"You do know you're at a party right?" He asked, laughing.

Matt made a noise of confirmation, "Parties aren't really my scene, but my friend dragged me here against my will."

The other boy had a mischievous glint in his eyes, "Hm, well, could I maybe help make it fun?"

Matt chuckled, "You can try."

He smirked, "Challenge accepted, let's play twenty questions." Over the next hour both boys answered random silly questions, laughing at each other's answers.

The blue eyed boy exclaimed, "Wait! You actually did that?!"

Matt nodded bashfully, "Yup, and the only people who know are you and Lindsey. So I'm trusting you, random stranger."

"I'll take it with me to my grave. And Lindsey? As in Lindsey Bryant?" He questioned. 'Oh, he knows Lindsey?'

Matt turned and found Lindsey chatting with a group of people, "Yeah, she's my best friend."

There was a revelation, "By the way, in the time we've been talking, I never got your name."

Matt introduced himself, holding his hand out, "Oh I'm Matt. Nice to meet you."

"Hi Matt, nice to meet you too. I'm Jeremiah." Jeremiah reached over and shook his hand.

Before the two could continue conversing, there was commotion on the opposite side of the fire. Both teens looked up and a darkened expression came onto Jeremiah's face. "Oh shit, I.. I'll be right back."

He got up and ran over to see what was happening, helping a girl up off the ground, checking her over, then turning to another teen.

Matt didn't know what he was saying, but his best guess was Jeremiah was stopping a fight. The crowd somewhat dispersed.

Flashing red and blue lights were seen in the parking lot. Someone yelled, announcing it was the cops. Matt jumped up, Lindsey ran over and rushed him to gather their things.

"Bye Jeremiah, see you around!" Matt shouted before chasing after Lindsey, they threw everything in the car and climbed in.

Driving out of the parking lot and heading back to Matt's house. They laughed while driving away, not believing what just happened.

"Were my eyes deceiving me when I saw you talking with Jeremiah Fisher?!"

Matt glanced at Lindsey, "You two know each other?"

"Our mom's know each other, they've done some planning for the debutante ball this year." Lindsey replied.

"That's cool, but yeah I was. He's nice." 'Am I the only one who's never met the Fisher's?'

"You seemed to be enjoying it a lot." Lindsey said, wriggling her eyebrows subjectively.

"Lindsey! Seriously?! Not every girl or guy that I meet becomes some kind of obsession."

"Well I'm calling it now. By the end of this summer, you will be fawning over Jeremiah. I won't blame you, cause he is pretty cute."

Matt's face darkened a shade of red, he wanted this conversation to be anything else. "So what's a debutante ball?" He asked, brushing his hair out of his face.

Lindsey sighed, knowing the topic of Jeremiah would circle back, but explained, "It's like a coming-out party."

"A ball that presents debutantes. They instruct in social etiquette and appropriate morals. Blah, blah, blah." She deemed the whole thing as boring.

Matt hummed in understanding, "Ah okay, are you doing it this year?"

Lindsey rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Yeah, my mom's making me do it."

"Do you need a date or something? Do they do that type of thing?"

Lindsey wore a shocked expression, "Actually, yeah, they do. Wanna be mine? Platonically of course."

"I've never done that before. Of course I'll help, but I'm not embarrassing myself for you. That's where I draw the line." Matt stated.

Lindsey giggled, "Thank you bestie, this'll be fun."

"No problem bestie, so now that we're heading back to mine, you owe me a sleepover and binging of The Bachelor."

Lindsey rolled her eyes playfully, "Ugh, fine. I guess I do."

Matt pumped his fist in triumph, they soon arrived back at Matt's house. Settling in, cuddling up with Sam, and watching The Bachelor.

Much to Lindsey's dismay, but it didn't matter, she got Matt out of the house. And he had a good time, that was a-okay in her book.
The End of Chapter 1

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