Lily's face was flushed bright red with anger and blood and she was writhing frantically in the air, Sirius was in hysterics, keeling over with laughter and Peter was trying to hide his amusement in an attempt to help Lily.
Remus calmly took his want out of his waistband and stood under Lily.
Finite incantatum
Lily dropped immediately, hurtling to the floor but Remus was quick to catch her and place her down safely. Lily clung to him desperately, trying to regain her balance and hiding behind him from James.

"You're an arse James Potter!" She said pointing an angry finger at him. He looked unusually guilty as she scurried up the stairs in a huff. He scratched the back of his neck with his wand,
"Think I went a bit too far, I'd better go apologise before she kicks me out of our tent." He trudged up the stairs after her, passing Teddy on his way.

"What was all that about?" She questioned.
"Don't ask," Remus sighed and pulled her into a hug.
"Gmornin." She hummed contentedly.
"Mornin' love, want some coffee?"
He pulled her into the kitchen where they found Marlene seemingly asleep on the kitchen table.
"Y'alright Marks?" Remus asked in amusement and she offered a grumble in response. She too, as it seemed, was inexplicably hungover and not enjoying having been awoken by a screaming match.
"I'm gonna get some air." Teddy said kissing his cheek and padding softly to the door. Remus only registered as she walked away that she in only his jumper, her bare legs utterly enticing. He laughed to himself and put on a pot of coffee.
"What's for brekie Moony?" Peter asked cheerily entering the kitchen.
"Ehh you're welcome to whatever's in the fridge. I've got some coffee on now, I can make you a cup. Sorry we don't have much. I can run into town in a minute to pick something's up."

"Ah no don't worry Moons, there's some leftover cake I think, a perfect breakfast me thinks."
"Yeah sounds good Pete help yourself."
Peter grinned to himself and set about making himself a cup of tea and slicing yesterday's cake. Remus poured three cups of coffee and set one down in the table Infront of Marlene.
"Look like you need it."
"Thanks Rem." She mumbled, lifting her head just enough to sip the coffee before dropping back down on the table. Remus let out a laugh and pottered outside with two steaming mugs.

On the front porch he found Teddy and Sirius sharing a cigarette and enjoying the cool morning in complete content. He grinned at the two of them, happy to see them getting along so well again. He knew they'd always had a special bond, the 'disowned child bond' Teddy called it, but they'd had a rough patch that year when Teddy ran off with the Slytherins. Sirius felt betrayed, he supposed, but it was all seemingly in the past and the two were as friendly as ever.
"Here love." He passed her the mug and she took it graciously, wrapping her two hands around it for warmth, the cigarettes rested between her ring and pinky finger. Remus wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close.

"Mmm you're toasty."
"You're freezing, come inside."
"Nah it's pretty outside, besides," she held the cigarette to her lips and took a drag, "can't smoke inside, Hope would kill me."
"True." Remus laughed and took the cigarette from her fingers, taking a puff for himself before passing it to Sirius.
"Oi! That's mine!"
"Sharing is caring Theodora." Sirius shrugged and finished off the cig, putting out the butt and flicking it away. Teddy pouted and sipped on her coffee in annoyance.
"You need some food darlin" Remus mumbled into her neck.
"I'm fine, I'll get something in a bit."
"Go eat, tiny person." Sirius poked her side jokingly.
"I'm not tiny!" She said throwing up her hands and going back inside.

"What's with her this morning?" Sirius asked concernedly.
"Ah she's just tired, she's always grumpy in the mornings. Our school motto should be Teddy dormeins nunquam titillandus."
"Hah! We should change the banner, good prank idea."
"Well if we change it to that everyone will know it was us dummy, we can't put our names on it."
"How about Urso dormeins nunquam titillandus?"
"Yeah that's better, more subtle."
"And good life advice, you really should never tickle a sleeping bear."
"Speaking from experience there padfoot?"
"Oh you know it Moony." He grinned and pulled another cigarette from his pocket, lighting it and handing it to Remus who took it gratefully.
The pair chatted and smoked until a figure walking up the drive pulled them from their bubble.
"Mary?!" Sirius called happily, he ran down the path to meet her with a hug. She smiled happily and greeted her friends.

Fall Apart- R.J.LWhere stories live. Discover now