Chapter 32: Our Divorce becomes final today

Start from the beginning

"No, sir. My official home is in Marrieta, Georgia. I travel for work, and when I am not working, I am at Brittney's with her and her children."

"Okay, so will you be keeping your home in Georgia if you decide to move in together? The reason I am asking is the judge may be concerned about bringing men or women, in Mr. Knight's case, around the children without being committed. By committed, I mean working toward moving in together."

"I am committed to Brittney in every way possible. When the time comes, I will sell my house and move to Boston. When the time comes, I do plan on marrying her, but also giving her time to get over her divorce."

"Okay, well, if that issue comes up, I will inform the judge of our discussion."   

Jordan had walked in and heard that last part about when the time comes, he plans on marrying her but also giving her time to get over her divorce. Is she still struggling with our separation? He questioned himself. He saw how Cody had his arm wrapped around her as if he was protecting her. Jordan already knew this would happen. 

She turned around and saw Jordan looking at her as he spoke to his attorney. He smiled at her, and she smiled back. This was killing him inside, but he had to prove to her that he loved her, and maybe before they got married, she would come back.  

The bailiff came out and called Knight versus Knight. Jordan and Brittney looked at each other and followed behind their attorneys.  

They walked in and stood beside their attorneys and then took a seat when directed to. Cody sat behind Brittney. The judge verified we were the correct party.

"This is a closed court. Who are you, sir?"

"Um, I am Cody Runnels, and I am with Brittney Knight."

"Mr. Jordan Knight, you are a celebrity and the reason this is a closed court. Do you protest to him being present during these proceedings?"

"No, your honor, I don't; he is in a relationship with Mrs. Knight, and he is a celebrity himself."

"Okay, sir, we can proceed. So, I see you both have worked out finances, child support, spousal support, and visitation between your attorneys. Do you both agree to the terms? Mrs. Knight, you will receive one lump sum of seven million two hundred thousand seven thousand six hundred and eighty-three dollars. (7,207,683.00) You will receive fifteen hundred every week for Spousal support and child support for your three children, Nathaniel, Jayden, and Natalie Knight. Mr. Knight, you travel, and so the visitation is set for when you are in town; you will have access to the kids. How often do you expect to be traveling?"

"Well, your honor, I just reunited with my band, The New Kids on the Block, so we just returned home from touring overseas. Everything is in the works right now, but I get a couple of weeks off every few months. We are hoping within the next couple of years to have a more defined tour schedule."

"So, your kids just see you whenever you are available. That's not a very stable life for your three children."

"Mrs. Knight, are your children in school?"

"Um, yes, your honor, our two oldest sons are in school. Nathaniel is in kindergarten, and Jayden just started Pre-K."

"Okay, so full custody is awarded to Mrs. Knight with visitation to Mr. Knight of one weekend a month. If Mrs. Knight chooses to allow him more time with the kids, then that is her decision, but this is the minimum she must comply with. Now, Mrs. Knight, you can not take the kids out of state for more than two weeks for vacation. If you leave the country, you will need a signed certificate from Mr. Knight; you can not move out of the state without authorization from Mr. Knight. Do you understand?"

"Yes, your honor."

"Okay, we all agree to the terms written and the assets division, the spousal and child support, and the visitation. I agree with the dissolution of the marriage between Mr. Jordan Nathaniel Marcel Knight and Mrs. Brittney Michelle Knight. Your divorce will be final in thirty days, and your attorneys will receive your official divorce degree and certificate after thirty days. Mrs. Knight and Mr. Knight, you are no longer married." 

"Mrs. Knight, would you like to keep your married name, or would you like to go back to your maiden name?"

"I will keep my married name because of the kids." 

"Alright, you are dismissed. Have a great day." Jordan, Brittney, Cody and their attorneys got up and left. 

They walked outside, and Jordan smiled and shook Cody's hand. "May I speak to you privately?" 

"Sure," I walked to the side with Jordan.  

"Thank you for accepting the money and for the kids. I know that one weekend a month isn't much, and I know you will allow me to see them when I am off the road, and so for that, I want to say thank you. Thank you for giving me my three kids and taking care of them. I'm sorry for hurting you. I really am. May I hug and kiss your cheek?"

"Thank you for being so amicable with the divorce and the money; it was too much. So, you will have the kids tonight and until next weekend, correct?"

"Yes, or until you are ready for them to come home. You should go with Cody to his shows for a couple of weeks since I am actually home to be with our children."

"Maybe I don't know if I can be that far away from my children. Bye, Jordan." He leaned in and hugged her, and kissed her cheek.   

"Bye, Britt. Can I speak to Cody for a moment?"

"Sure," She walked back over to Cody. "Jordan wants to speak to you. I am going to run to the restroom. I will meet you by the door."

"Okay, baby." He leaned in and kissed her, then walked to where Jordan was standing.

"Britt said you wanted to speak to me?"

"Yes, listen, I am in town for the next month or so. I appreciate you taking care of her and my kids and being so good to them. While I am here, you should take her with you when you have to travel. I can watch our kids while she goes with you."

"No problem, man, I love them all. Your kids are great, and I will always take care of them. I would love nothing more than for her to join me. I might ask her if she will. I hate leaving her while I travel. Thanks, man, kiss the kids for us."

Jordan shook his hand and walked off. Cody waited by the exit, and when Brittney came out, he held his hand out, and they walked out to the car.         

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