chapter two

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ꜱᴇᴘᴛᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 1ꜱᴛ 1976

"SO?" The impatient voice of Sirius Black cut through the silence

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"SO?" The impatient voice of Sirius Black cut through the silence.

"Ah yeah," James scratched his head. "What do you want to know?"

"Well, for starters, who is she? Other than the oh-so-famous Lyra Rhodes?" Remus questioned, his patience also running out.

"Oh right, well, obviously her name is Lyra Rhodes, and she is my best friend. I've known her forever. You've never met her because she lives in America, again obviously, but we always see each other in the holidays," James explained to his friends.

"Wait, you mean to tell me you've never told any of your friends about me, bitch," Lyra grabbed the closest food to her and dumped it on his head. Although her mother, seeing this, sent her a look saying 'not my poor baby boy' and quickly cleaned him up with a wave of her wand.

"Don't talk to your elders like that. I was literally at your birth, sunshine, and your mother totally loves me more."

"Three days, James! Three days! You couldn't have, I don't know, waited! And also, your mum likes me more too, so you can't say shit," Lyra complained while she dug into her stack of cookies, yes, an actual stack.

"Anyways, these are my best mates: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew," James pointed at each as he named them, Lyra committing each to memory.

"Why did you say Peter last, James? Is it because he is your least favorite? Do you secretly hate him? It's alright, Petey, you've got me now." Lyra's two favorite pastimes were annoying James Potter and shitting on literally everything he said.

"That's not—you know what, never mind. You're not going to give up, are you?" Lyra simply shook her head in reply, already starting up a conversation with the other three boys, kicking James out of his seat so he face-planted.


"EVERYONE RETURN to your dorms now!" Dumbledore, who Lyra had decided to call Dumbles, announced as the students groaned and made their way out of the hall. Lyra bid goodbye to the boys, following a few other people in blue. She fell a little behind as she was distracted by the design of the castle. Because of this, she missed when the students in front of her entered.

Approaching the entrance, a riddle was said:

"I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?"

"Fuck! I'm shit at riddles. Can't you just, I don't know, let me in? Please? Rude," Lyra muttered as she strut off, using the enchanted jewelry she had with James to locate him. Luckily, she ran into him before he entered their common room.

"James!" The boy turned around at the call of his name, a confused expression forming when he saw the girl.

"Lyra? What are you doing here?"

"Turns out to get into my bloody common room, you need to answer a riddle. And you know how bad at riddles I am! So, moral of the story, I'm locked out of the common room and have nowhere to sleep. James, I swear to Merlin, if you laugh, I will chop off your dick and shove it down your throat!" James tried his hardest to keep the laugh in, but it was just so funny.

"It's fine, you can crash with us." Lyra looked relieved at this but kept up her facade. She jumped on his back and shouted, "On guard!" kicking James like a horse. The three boys snuck Lyra into the boys' room without her being noticed, which was quite surprising given the amount of noise they were making.

"Why is there a spare bed? Also, I claim! It's mine!" Lyra questioned the four boys, receiving three mischievous smirks and one overall tired face.

"Well, funny you should ask that. We used to have another roommate, but apparently 'screeching at 3 a.m.' is a good enough reason to change rooms," Sirius replied as he flopped down onto his stomach, his head propped up on his arms. He was also swinging his legs back and forth. "So... got any dirt on Prongs?"


"Prongs." Sirius pointed at the boy with messy hair, who was currently making origami. Sensing eyes on him, he looked up, smiled, and waved, then looked back down.

Lyra broke out into laughter. "You-you c-call him Prongs? What kind o-of name i-is Prongs?" Watching Lyra laugh caused Sirius to break out into laughter as well, while James looked confused at the two.

"It's a nickname. We all have one. I'm Padfoot, he is Prongs, Peter is Wormtail, and Remus is Moony," Sirius answered the laughing girl, who was now crying from laughter. However, this didn't help and just caused her to laugh harder.

"C-can't breathe. Oh my god, that was good. What kind of nicknames are those? They're all so stupid." Lyra wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Hey, they are not stupid!"

"Sure they're not, James. Sure they're not."

Then there was a knock at the door. "Shit—hide!" Lyra ducked down on the ground, sliding under the bed as Sirius moved to cover her up. Remus got up to open the door, and everyone saw the face of a furious redhead.

"Do you know what time it is? GO TO SLEEP!"

The boys all muttered 'sorry,' and she left, saying goodnight to Remus. Everyone let out sighs of relief as Lyra climbed out and sat in 'her bed.'

"Guys, we should probably go to sleep now. It's like 11:30."

The three boys and one girl obeyed and got themselves ready for sleep, Lyra just stealing stuff from James to sleep in. The lights were turned off, and the group was fast asleep in minutes.

 The lights were turned off, and the group was fast asleep in minutes

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