Ch 3 | Brutal Reunion

Start from the beginning

Is this what Ominis meant? Sebastian Sallow didn't remember? Or did time really change that he can't recognize? Was Ominis trying to warn me in code? My head throbbed.

"Don't you remember me?" I said, almost pleading.

Sebastian's face remained blank. His gaze fixed on the stupid flames below us, as if I wasn't even there.

"It's me, Y/n." I spoke out, "Sebastian, we been through a lot together and—"

Before my own hand could reach over the side of his face, I could feel Sebastian's hand clutching over my wrist, pushing it away aggressively.

My body made a slight weighted movement, losing my balance from his force, like if I had just touched something hot and caught my fall toward the table, injuring my arm from the cut wood.

I lifted up my sleeve, feeling the heat of blood rush down my arm, but ignored it. It wasn't intentional. I should've listened to Ominis.

I could hear more footsteps enter the home in seconds and from the corner of my eye I could see Ominis and Anne enter rapidly from the sounds.

But I kept my eyes on Sebastian Sallow. I watched as he distanced himself away from me, emotionless as he never stared back at me once nor apologized.


Before Ominis could say a word, I saw Sebastian walk passed him with a hit of the shoulder, mumbling out words.

"Don't ever bring her here again." He said before walking out of the home.

The rejection stung, and I felt my heart begin to break like a glass. It was like it was thrown in my face. A nightmare coming to life.

Sebastian didn't see me anymore. It was like I didn't matter.

"Y/n!" Anne took sight of me, worried about the injury.

I breathed heavily, finally feeling the hot tears trickling down my cheeks, not knowing whether to feel broken or angry toward the reunion.

I pulled down my sleeve, ignoring the blood knowing magic could fix it, and stood up rapidly, wanting to catch up to Sebastian.

I was in a state of denial. When wasn't I in a state of denial? I had my reasonings. I knew Sebastian Sallow and this wasn't him. I couldn't bear the thought that Azkaban was going to affect him in a way where I couldn't even interfere.

"No," Ominis felt the wave of my direction and stood in front of me, denying my departure.

"Let me go, Ominis!" I cried, "I need to talk to Sebastian. Why is he being like this? It's not fair."

"I warned you he wasn't well—"

"It doesn't make sense!" I shouted with cries, "Why is he attacking me? Did he do this to everyone else?"

Ominis sighed, "Sebastian is still fresh out of Azkaban, Y/n. We can't really know the outcome of any reunion."

"It's been two months, Ominis—"

"He was in there for a year!"

"He could've been less if you let me break him out the moment we found out. We wouldn't be in this position. I had many plans to cut Azkaban shorter and you refused!" I pointed at Ominis angrily.

"Because we all would've been in Azkaban by then!" Ominis frowned, "I apologize, perhaps, your plans were valid, but what if we did break him out? Keep him in secret? We would've been caught."

Vacuity (Sebastian Sallow) | on pause.Where stories live. Discover now