rose, wind, prince

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rose, wind, prince

Deep in the woods, lives a rose

Who sends her sweet naive aroma

To a spring breeze

Which says it can help her reach the prince

Who's been swaying her dreams recently

As her essence clings to its airy wings

Her young heart beats furiously

Millions of what-ifs fill her head simultaneously

What if my scent fades along the journey?

What if other flowers get to him before me?

What if my prince gets lost in the woods?

Hot, heavy wind returns

Still no update

She can't help but feel forlorn

Wind reassures "He will come, hon, just a little late"

So she gets her hopes on high

And waits

Chilly wind finally arrives

Still no glad tidings

Her heart sinks, her thoughts race

What if his parents disagree?

What if he changes his mind?

What if he trips and falls on another girl's bed?

Wind insists

"He will come, wait and see"

Bitter-cold wind brings along with it

Loads of piercing snow

And heaps of nothing

It just keeps taking, and taking

Her heart keeps breaking, and breaking

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