Black Beard part two

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Third person P.O.V

Larry, Ahkmenrah, Jedediah, and Octavius Made their way into the paint and were wondering where they are; "Wow where are we?" Jed asked; Larry looked down at him; I'm not sure; he answered; Are we lost? Ahk asked; No the museum is right behind us; Larry said; Then where are we? Oct asked; Before Larry could answer a voice spoke out; Where's the bloody Rum? Did you say something gigantor? Jed asked; No Jed it wasn't me; Larry said; Then out of nowhere came a pirate; Hahaha! The pirate laughed; Ahhh; Jed and Oct screamed; Who are you?  Asked Ahk; Captain Jack Sparrow;

Well I'm Larry Daley; And his is the pharaoh Ahkmenrah; Hello; Said Ahk; Your majesty; Jack said as he bowed; And down there is Jedediah, and Octavius; Larry said; Howdy; Jed said; Hello; Oct said;  So what brings you to the Caribbean? Jack asked; Wow the Caribbean; Jedediah said; "We are looking for Ahk's tablet, it was taken by Black beard;" Larry explained; So that's what that shiny thing was; Jack said; Yes; Larry said; And what is so important about this tablet? Jack asked; Well it's the reason why everything so in this museum is alive; Larry explained;

I see, well I can help you get the tablet back; Jack said; Ok but we only have until sunrise; Larry warned; Then I say we should leave right now; Jack said; Follow me to the Black Pearl; Jack added; And with that they headed right to the ship; Whoa look at that; Oct said; Wow; Jed said; Welcome to the Black Pearl! Jack said; Aye mates we got some company, that need a magical tablet back; Jack explained to some of his crew mates; And they need it back before sunrise; Jack added; So we need to leave right now; Jack said; So how long will it take us to find Black Beard? Larry asked; Won't take long at all; Jack said; Well I would hope so; Larry said;

Raise the sail mates, and off we go; Jack said; Hopefully no one gets seasick; Jack added; Larry look at Ahk, Jed, and Oct; Will you be ok? Larry asked; "We should be okay Larry; Ahk said;" The Black Pearl was sailing through the sea, and the wind was blowing through the air; Larry was determined to get Ahk's tablet back from Black Beard, so that his family would still come back to life every night, and hangout with him; He also knew that the tablet was important to Ahkmenrah since that is something that his parents gave him, before his brother killed him; So he knew that he couldn't loose the tablet no matter what the situation was;

To be continued
457 words

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