Champagne Problems

Start from the beginning

"No, I'm sorry Draco, I just can't." She dropped her hand out of his. Just like that Lilith saw his heart shatter, like she just dropped glass on the floor. She turned softly on he heels and walked away, the snow crunching under her feet. He didn't try to stop her, he knew it would do any good. Lilith was one of the most stubborn people he'd met, that's just one of the things he loved so much about her.

Draco stood in the snow for what seemed like hours. Not knowing what to do, or even knowing how to process what just happened. The love of his life just denied his proposal with no explanation. He finally got the courage to walk back inside and when he did friends and family were gathered around waiting for the happy couple to reenter to celebrate them. When he walked in alone, he heard a gasp and his mother stood there smugly. They all knew by the look on his He walked up to her and handed her the old wedding ring.

"Oh Draco, I'm so sorry." She said pulling him in for a hug

"I'm going to go upstairs mother, have a good party." He responded walking away, his two friends Blaise and Pansy following behind him.

Upstairs Draco racked his brain over and over again. His childhood friends trying to comfort him. Blaise sat in the chair across from him, Pansy pacing around the living room.

"She would have been such a lovely bride." Pansy spoke sitting on Blaise's lap, he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"What a shame she fucked in the head." Blaise replied and Pansy slapped him in the chest "You'll find the real thing instead." He added rubbing the spot where Pansy hit him

Draco was silent, he sat there in his hurt. He appreciated his friend's support in the matter, but he didn't want to discuss much further. He just had the most embarrassing moment, what was supposed to be a party of celebration with family and friends over their new engagement, has turned into a sympathy party, with the champagne that was supposed to be used to celebrate the happy couple now used as the only source to numb his pain. The look on his mother's face when he handed her the Malfoy family ring back was burned in his mind, so smug and happy. She didn't like Lilith, she didn't like that Lilith was never afraid to speak her mind or stand up to his mother when she made backhanded comments. She wanted Lilith to be obedient and kiss the ground she walked on, which Lilith would never do.

Draco went over every interaction he's ever had with Lilith, what would make her say no. Was it that the dark lord made him join his army? It couldn't be, the night she found out about him being forced to join, he was mid-panic attack and she held him. She told him that she loved him for the first time that night. That was the moment he knew he wanted to be with her forever. He wanted to spend every moment with her, wanted to have a family with her, and yet she now didn't want him. They talked about this moment for years, the moment when they would finally be able to be together forever. Yet she told him no.

Lilith walked to her home outside of Hogsmeade. It was a small house on the quiet side, nothing compared to the Malfoy mansion. She didn't want to think about the pain she just inflicted on the love of her life. There would be no amount of "I'm sorry" that would repair this mess she made. Deep inside she knew she made the right decision, Draco would be sad now, but eventually move on and find someone else.

Lilith loved Draco and she did want to spend her life with him. However, knowing that she would never be accepted by his family and forever feel like an outsider was too much for her to bear. She couldn't play their little game forever and never win.

She walked into her house and started the fireplace to start warming the living room. She walked down the hallway towards her room to change, looking at the hung pictures of her and Draco. The pictures had them smiling, kissing, and being a lovely couple, the photos kept playing over and over again. She felt the tears wheal in her eyes. She always thought she would marry Draco, but I guess you never know the answer til someone's on their knee and asking.

She changed into her pjs and took her hair down from the updo it was in, her curls falling. She tried to keep her mind off of just running to Draco and apologizing. She hurt him deeply and knew it. It was nothing that a little bit of alcohol couldn't help. She walked over to the fridge and opened it, there was nothing in there, but a bottle of unopened champagne that she and Draco had bought to celebrate her recent job acceptance as a healer.

"I don't think this is a champagne problem, but I guess this will do." She whispered to herself.

She popped the bottle and instead of drinking it from a glass, decided to just drink it straight from the bottle. She sat on the couch and began to drink the champagne and couldn't help it when the tears began to fall from her face. For the first time in years, she was truly alone.

Years later Draco walked around Hogsmead with his new wife on his arm. She was clearly pregnant and was so beautifully glowing. After the marriage proposal to Lilith, he moved abroad to move on with his life, soon finding Miss. Alesha. They had fallen in love with each other and got married within a year of meeting. Narcissa loved Alesha, she was everything she ever wanted in a daughter-in-law. A perfect wife for a perfect family.

Lilith didn't see Draco standing behind her at the shop til she turned around after paying for her items. She stopped in her tracks and her face flushed of all color. He looked right back at her, also looking shocked to see her. His wife had left minutes before to look at baby items across the road.

"Um Lilith. Hi, how have you been?" He asked trying to be polite

"I'm good thanks. How about you? I heard you got married last year, that's so great." She word vomited, instantly wanting to run away.

"Yeah I did, we're expecting now." Draco rubbed the back of his neck

"I'm so happy for you Draco." She smiled softly

"Next." The shopkeeper yelled in frustration over the lack of Draco paying attention to it being his turn

"Oh yeah." Draco walked up to the counter and placed his items on it.

Lilith didn't know what to do if she should walk away or wait for him to be finished. Would it be considered rude if she walked away? Well not as rude as denying a marriage proposal. During this contemplation, she looked over at Draco's wallet as he was paying for his items. She saw a small photo of his wife and him, happily smiling. She decided it was best to just leave, seeing that photo was the sign she was looking for. It was the realization that no matter what conversation they had she would be walking away heartbroken because she was now rightfully replaced. She made it outside, pulled the hood of her jacket up, and walked down the cobblestone sidewalk.

"Wait! Lilith wait!" Draco yelled after her. She stopped in her tracks and turned around. "We didn't get to talk"

"There's nothing to talk about Draco. I'm so happy you're happy." She said with a fake smile

"Lilith we haven't talked in almost 3 years, not since that night."

"I don't think we have anything to talk about Draco, you're married and have a baby on the way."

"You broke my heart and just walked away without closure. That was never fair to me." Draco fought back the hurt in his voice "I sent owls, begging you to talk to me, to tell me why. You never responded to me."

"There was no reason to Draco. You wouldn't have understood why."

"You never even tried to explain it Lilith. You just gave up on us without even trying. You're right there was nothing to talk about apparently. Take care Lily."

Draco walked away in the opposite direction. Lilith didn't try to stop him, she did try to stop the tears that began to flow from her eyes. She didn't want to hurt Draco, she just knew deep down that he could do better and he did find someone better. She looked up at the sky as fresh snow began to fall around her.

"I never was ready so I watch you go. She'll hold your hand while dancing, never leave you standing, crestfallen on the landing, and you won't remember all my champagne problems." Lilith whispered to herself as she watched Draco walk away.

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