"So any idea of who you might want?" Shuzug asked you.

"Well, that's a tricky question to answer, because clearly, I'm connected to Zorroku, and come to find out, he has no other wives, how does the first born, that handsome, his age not have like five by now?" You asked rhetorically.

"I mean yeah I see where you're coming from." Shuzug nodded.

"My only other viable option is the youngest Nar, not to be confused in anyway shape or form with Yar, he's 12, just now getting some whiskers and facial hair. He has no wives, no kids, and he's young enough that I might get him to myself for a little while at least and he's a lot like you and we get along pretty good but I'm still getting little brother vibes, like I really gotta push myself to view him romantically." You shrugged.

"Well have you talked with any of them about what they want from you and what you want from them and see if you're compatible or can come to an agreement or an understanding?" Shuzug asked.

"Not yet, I've only been here for two days, I'm hoping once everyone is together and once all your sisters and your mother especially gets to meet all of them and gets feels for them, they'll give me some insights." You hoped.

"So are they really treating you well? Like really really?" Shuzug asked a little skeptically.

"Dude! I have more freedoms and rights here than I do at home, I am servant to no one, no one bosses me around and I basically get to do whatever I want which is actually cook because I want to not because I'm expected to which is odd but really nice and I'm cooking with joy instead of fear and I'm finding myself wanting to make everything I make really good instead of feeling like I need to or else I'll face the consequences. Like if Yotul and Crowthu aren't calling me Peaches they're calling me daughter and they really mean it. Like they have completely adopted me and accepted me and it really is like one big happy family that I'm a full fledged member of, like I'm on first name or even nickname basis' with everyone, like the moment I came into the village, Crowthu introduced me as his new daughter before I even got to his tent and practically showed me off to the whole village who greeted me respectfully and just accepted me with open arms and ease and have no issues with me at all and it's weird but really nice and they have all completely upheld their half of the oath but it's not that they have to really try or work against themselves and their own nature to uphold it. It's like that oath and those conditions are just the way they are and it was a given that they'd be good to me even the little kids call me Auntie Peaches and adore me just as much as I adore them. Which the 'Peaches' thing took a little to get used to but Zorroku made a really good point on how it's a fitting name because I'm sweet when I want to be but I'll be a poisonous killer like the peach seed itself when I want to be too cause I've gotten to hunt and fish since I've been with them so that was actually a really nice compliment." You explained with a bright smile.

"Wow, I mean, yeah that makes total sense and you kind of look like a Peaches too." Shuzug teased you and you playfully stuck your tongue out at him.

"So no creepy rape-y vibes then?" Shuzug asked.

"Well, there is still two of your cousins that give me the creeps, Silug and Winug, but as long as I stay away from them, I'm good, otherwise, there's three that are trying really, really hard to woo me and it's...again, weird." Is all you could say with another giggle and a shrug.

"And which three are those?" Shuzug asked.

"Zorroku, obviously, Yalak and Nar. The oldest, a middle and the baby." You specified.

"Is there any you like back?" Shuzug asked.

"Yeah." You sighed but a bit wistfully as you looked down at Ori and her baby blue skin and when you looked back up Shuzug was just grinning ear to ear.

Zorroku and PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now