"She's fine! She's fine, she's sleeping!" Mama Arob tried to soothe the bird as she helped you lie down, putting a pillow beneath your head and a blanket over your body to keep you warm on the cushions as everything was prepared and her cauldron was brought in from the adjoining kitchen tent as Razor got on your chest and chirped at you and tried to nuzzle your face, neck and chest with his beak to get you to wake up before finally just laying down on your chest and hissing, screaming and trying to bite anyone who came close to you.

"Goodness gracious, we won't hurt her! Calm down! You're worse than an overprotective guard dog!" Arob chided the eagle who simply glared at her return. "Now, let's see what this sweet peach is really made of." Arob grinned as she began to ceremoniously put things into a cauldron over the fire that would reveal all your secrets as well as your full potential as her son, his wife and her grandsons gathered around to look at the surface of the cauldron where everything would be shone while her granddaughters stayed in the kitchen to care for their little ones.

"Just like you said, she made the best meal we had ever had, spiced the goats extremely well and had a peach in her pocket and she's just as sweet as the peaches themselves." Zorroku informed his grandmother proudly.

"And it was worse than prying any stone from a crown trying to get her out of there, the whole clan took offense to us, Khagra's sons almost broke the alliance off and beheaded us at the table once Khagra agreed to it, he shouldn't of, his wife and his whole family was pissed at him and neither he or his sons will get bedded until we return her safe and unharmed Yotul. Do you have any idea how you just fucked us all over with that little stunt trying to prove you're the biggest bitch in the room? Do you know what I had to agree to- to bring her here? I swore an oath for me and this whole household, this whole damn clan, damn near a blood oath, I was ready for it, that no one would harm her, no one would touch her and that she will be inspected from head to toe and will be interviewed privately when she gets back and if there was any harm done to her at all, in any way shape or form, even a bad or mean word said to her, the alliance is off and there will be war at our village, the crows from the clan followed us all the way home, the whole clan has connections with the land and animals themselves, her relationship to that bird is not unique in the Black Wolf White Rock Clan, they all own wolves for crying out loud. That's how special she is Yotul and you have shamed and dishonored this whole family today by disrespecting her and having no manners. I will demote you from being warchieftess and find another wife if you so much as look at her wrong from now on. What is your problem?! She has done nothing to you, she is as innocent and guileless as the day is long on the summer solstice and you have absolutely no reason or any right at all to treat her the way you have and yet, she proved herself better than you by keeping her own cool head and her own composure and not taken offense even when you maliciously meant to give it. She has more grace in the tips of her pinkies than you've ever had in your life in your whole being. I know you weren't there for the alliance but you will become aware of it and if you can not be nice to her, you will not be around her at all until you learn to respect her as much as I do which is a hell of a lot, way more than I do you right now." Crowthu leveled at Yotul and Yotul stared at her husband in horrified shock, her own tears glazing her eyes before he turned to his mother to continue his story.

"The guards at the gate even accused us of putting a knife to her back so she wouldn't cry out for help and I thought they were going to slaughter us right then and there, but you were right, once the jewel was out of it's socket, she was the one that made sure we got out of there safe and unscathed. I was so proud of her. She's smart as a whip and that eagle of hers is something else, the more you're around her the more you appreciate just how much of a special gem she is, surely the biggest and most brilliant gemstone I've ever had the pleasure of being in the presence of. She speaks in riddles for the fun of it, she climbs mountains to get eagle eggs, she kills deer and wolves with perfect accuracy, she has a depth of her character that is deeper than the mountains are tall, just give her a little bit of kindness and compassion and she warms up like literal sunshine, in fact that's what she's known as back home, Sunshine, and she lives up to it, her smiles themselves could light up whole caves, the two meals she's made for me have been the best meals I've ever had in my life so far." Crowthu explained.

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