"What are you doing?" Zorroku asked as he tried to follow you but knew he couldn't actually climb this kind of tree, he'd snap the branches off.

"Gonna try to kill the bucks Razor is flushing my way, this pine will hopefully mask my scent." You answered as you quickly got the back of your skirt and pulled it through your legs to get it into your waistband so that the skirt kind of became pants so he wouldn't be able to look up your skirt and you'd be able to climb easier and started to climb the tree which because of your smaller size and nimble ways you could easily weave through the branches which bent slightly but didn't break under your weight as you paused a third of the way up to hang your satchels, out of Zorroku's reach so he wouldn't rifle through them while you had left the huge food basket on the ground with him before you got higher in the tree.

"You stay there and look out for the wild wolves, they're to the east." You directed as you climbed up.

"h..how did you...do you speak eagle?" Zorroku asked in astonishment, not realizing that there had been wolves nearby.

"The kind of screams Razor gave me told me, I raised and helped train Razor, I know his screams and calls, so yes, I do speak eagle." You answered back as you continued to climb the tree.

"Of course you do, because you're kickass and amazing," Zorroku whispered to himself under his breath as he watched you in awe a broad smile plastering itself to his face. "Do you just really love to climb trees?" Zorroku asked as he just watched, mesmerized by your ability to just climb a tree as easily a squirrel could which got you to laugh again.

"I do, now hush so we don't spook the bucks because I sent your brothers after a small herd of does and if I can take down a buck, I can impress your brothers enough that they just might be inclined to actually talk to me instead of thinking I'm so below them to even speak to." You admonished once you got to the best height you could before you whistled a different whistle with a small purr in it and Razor flew to the top of the tree with you with a dead squirrel in it's claws and Zorroku stared slack jawed and in horror, not realizing that his brothers' silence towards you was taken that way at all.

The gods knew he was nearly pissing himself in fear and anxiety just trying to work up the courage to talk with you this much because you were so gorgeous, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, human, orc or whatever alike and he and his brothers were just plain shy in talking to pretty girls, facing off a horde of other battle wary orcs was easier than talking to a pretty girl, which is why being warchief's sons meant girls talked to them first but you, you were fear inspiring in your own way, the way you masterfully took on your whole village for their sake so that they never needed to raise their axes at all, the way you basically just oozed wisdom beyond your years, the way a huge ass fucking golden eagle respected you and communicated with you as if you spoke it's native language and was at your beck and call with the sexiest purrs he had ever heard being uttered. The way you just fucking charmed the living daylights out of his father in just a couple of short hours so he was telling you all the family secrets and ways already had him impressed beyond words could ever express. How everything was working out period because of you. He wasn't surprised in the least when the whole Black Wolf White Rock Clan Village seemed to recoil and almost revolt at the very idea of you leaving which he understood. Like prying a gem from a crown and he was sure if you had reacted in any other way, they all would have been dead by now. It was like you had said exactly what you needed to say in just the right way, more convincingly than he thought you would, to the point he almost believed it himself until he heard your reply to his father's thanks, he had strained his ears extra hard but he knew that voice that you used then was the real you coming through and he felt so awful that you were so, understandably, scared and he just wanted to blurt out how there was nothing to fear. How he at least would never hurt you and that the oath his father had made for him, he would make for himself and he'd actually fight off his own brothers if it meant protecting you. That's why he stayed behind to help you, trying to get over himself and see if he could try charming you first before his brothers worked up their own courage to do the same, in fact that's what they had been discussing among-st themselves, how to woo you and how they thought was the best way to charm you in turn. He and his brothers usually were good at working together to solve a problem but he feared that this competition for you would probably cause a bit of a rift between himself and his brothers who were used to just taking what they wanted, but now they were expected to work for what they wanted, work for your approval and work for your affection and he didn't know how they were going to handle that. And staying behind to try to talk with you privately was the best answer he could come up with so far, just try to get to know you and let you get to know him. He was prepared to answer any and all questions you would ask him but so far you hadn't asked any.

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