THE DATE ( edited )

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"Well what should I do. It is not exactly legal to gay couples to go to cities as such. because their are a lot of homophobic people in this period " I sed as bluntly as possible cause I just now realized that I let loose of my facade that I thought I perfected. "Hmmm I see" she hummed as she thought of a solution to this." I could help you but I don't think you'll look feminine enough. Yes ,you do have some qualities such as your hair though.

"Aha... I got it. I don't know if you know or will trust or believe what I am about to say but....You see demons can shape shift. Muzan sama can too only difference is that he can change genders. I don't know if we demons can do it cause I certainly can't do it." She sed as she stood up and shape shifted into a more like human woman look like.

She look exactly the same minus her white lime green tinted hair and the markings on her eye and left cheek. In stead she has black hair tied up to a bun with a pin holding it up. And she wore a extravagant and decent kimono. Unlike her other form that show a lote of skin better yet she looked like a thirteen year old too. But in reality she probably 100+ years old. Then she again turned into her normal self.

"See I told you so now I'll tech you to how to shape shift even if it will not make your gender female. Now take a deep breath and exhale. Inhale keep it in for three seconds and exhale keep doing it until you are calm. Then think about what form you want to be and concentrate. When you have the hang of it. You can do it without the steps and just think about what form you want then boom. You are what you wanted"

( That is a real thing minus changing the way you look it is called anapanasathi meditation. It is a good way to meditate as it can gain a lote advantages)

She explained as I listened to every word she spoke of trying to process and piece together why does we not change our gender.

"Okay now I'll try" I sed as I closed my eyes to do the same as she told. First I inhaled and held it for three seconds and then I exhaled. It only took me a few tries then I felt calm. I thought about what I want to be. I took that chance to think that I want to be female. Better safe than sorry. I opened my eyes to see a shocked daki Infront of me.

"Y..ou lo...ok dif..fere..nt" she stuttered as a blush covered her cheeks. I stood up and went to the huge mirror in her room. The reflection in it shocked me as well

There I stood with more feminine features like big boobs and curved fatigue and my lips were a little plump and curved as well as I felt my crotch gone and thighs bigger. My eyelashes felt thicker and longer too.

( The pic I used on the top is what I found on Pinterest. Credits to create and I think this is the best picture I could find. I probs draw him or in this case her )

I feel different too so. I decided to hide the extra pairs of eyes then look at daki who was fan girling while blushing furiously. " Well how do I look " my voice now softer and feminine but still can intimated. " Then she fell to the ground unconscious and with a bloody nose and forming from the mouth

Awhile later she woke up as she looked around. " Soooo how do I look"  I asked as I notice her waking up. While she was unconscious I sat down beside her and read a book I carried every where. " Kokoshibu dono you look fabulous. And you look prettier than me. And that's coming from me too " she sed. I could basically see stars in her lime green eyes.

" But how did you change your gender though. I basically tried a million  times but it won't work " she sed as her voice was laced with confusion and puzzlement. " Hmm......I think that a demon to change gender they need a lot of muzan's blood. That would explain how I became a female in the first place" I sed as I cupped my chin and thought about it.

" Yeah..... Your right. Well we have another step to fully turn you in to a full blown beauty. So let's get started shall we" she sed as she dragged me to her wardrobe ( closet ). She opened her closet that was filled with all kinds of kimonos. " Hmmmmm purple is definitely the colour that match your personality and appearance. Maybe with scarlet or crimson obi with jewelry. " She mumbles as she picked out some kimonos.

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