Chapter 25: Wedding Preparations

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Scene: Ambarsar Marketplace, Day 8.

As Ashu contemplates the prospect of shopping for a traditional lehenga choli, he finds himself experiencing a mix of emotions. The last time he had to shop for girly clothes was a challenge, but this time, there's an odd sense of anticipation in his heart.

Ashu: (to himself) It's strange how much this change is affecting me. Is it just about the clothes, or... am I questioning something deeper?

With his thoughts in turmoil, Ashu and his mother venture into the bustling Ambarsar marketplace. The air is filled with the vibrant energy of the city, and Ashu's heart races as he walks amidst the colorful stalls.

Gurpreet: (smiling) Ashika, let's find something that suits the occasion. We want you to look your best at the wedding.

Ashu: (whispering) Mom, why can't you just call me Ashu.

Gurpreet: We are not the privacy of our home, beta.

Ashu: (nervous) Yeah, Mom. I'll try my best.

As they explore the market, Gurpreet's guidance proves invaluable. She helps Ashu choose a few outfits that catch her eye, while Ashu's thoughts continue to whirl with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty.

Ashu: (whispering to himself) Is this really me? Am I comfortable with all of this?

Gurpreet's reassuring presence provides a sense of stability amidst Ashu's internal questioning. She senses his inner turmoil and guides him gently.

Gurpreet: (compassionate) Ashika, I know this change is new and perhaps unsettling. But remember, you're still you. Clothes are just an outer expression, and they don't define your identity.

As they browse through the shops, Ashu's eyes are drawn to a stunning lehenga in a bright shade of blue, adorned with intricate details. His heart skips a beat as he imagines himself wearing it at the wedding.

Gurpreet: (noticing) What do you think of this one, Ashika?

Ashu: (hesitating) It's... it's beautiful, Mom. But I'm not sure if it's the right one.

Gurpreet smiles and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Gurpreet: (encouraging) It's your choice, Ashika. You should feel comfortable and confident in whatever you wear. Trust your instincts.

After contemplating a few more options, Ashu finds himself returning to the blue lehenga. There's something about it that resonates with him—a sense of elegance that complements the grandeur of the wedding.

Gurpreet: (smiling) Ashika, it looks like you've found the one.

As they approach the checkout counter, Mandeep steps in with a warm smile.

Mandeep: (grinning) Ashika, this lehenga suits you perfectly. I'm sure you'll look stunning at the wedding.

Ashu blushes, his heart filled with a mix of gratitude and anticipation. Mandeep's willingness to support him adds a layer of comfort to this journey of transformation.

With the blue lehenga chosen, the next step in Ashu's transformation for the upcoming wedding is to find matching jewellery. The marketplace is a treasure trove of glittering adornments, each piece vying for his attention.

Ashu: (to himself) Jewellery shopping now? This is all so different from what I'm used to.

As Ashu and his mother move from stall to stall, his eyes are drawn to the delicate glimmer of necklaces, earrings, and bangles. The sight of the jewellery stirs something within him—a mixture of fascination and uncertainty.

Gurpreet: (guiding) Ashika, let's find pieces that complement your lehenga. We want everything to come together beautifully.

Ashu: (hesitating) Right, Mom.

As they explore the jewellery options, Ashu finds himself reflecting on how this journey has brought about changes he never anticipated.

Ashu: (whispering to himself) Is this really me? These clothes, this jewellery... it's like I'm stepping into a different world.

Gurpreet's presence is a steady anchor amidst the whirlwind of emotions that Ashu is experiencing.

Gurpreet: (encouraging) Ashika, change can be unsettling, but it's also an opportunity for growth. Remember, this is a part of your journey, and you're the one who defines it.

Among the array of jewellery, Ashu finally comes across a set of elegant pieces—a necklace, earrings, and bangles—that seem to resonate with the aesthetic of his chosen lehenga.

Gurpreet: (smiling) Ashika, these pieces would go wonderfully with your outfit. What do you think?

Ashu: (hesitating) I... I think they're beautiful, Mom.

Just as they're about to make their selection, Mandeep joins them once again.

Mandeep: (enthusiastic) Ashika, those pieces are exquisite. They'll surely enhance your look for the wedding.

Ashu feels a rush of gratitude toward Mandeep, his heart warmed by the thoughtfulness that has accompanied this journey of transformation.

With the lehenga and jewellery chosen, Ashu's transformation for the upcoming wedding is well underway. The next step on this journey of change is to prepare himself physically—making sure he looks and feels his best.

Ashu: (to himself) The clothes, the jewellery... I'm really stepping into uncharted territory.

Gurpreet's guidance leads them to a reputable beauty salon that offers a range of services. The air inside the salon is filled with a mixture of soothing scents and soft music, creating an ambiance of relaxation.

Gurpreet: (smiling) Ashika, you deserve to pamper yourself a little. Let's start with a manicure and pedicure.

As Ashu settles into the chair, he finds himself drawn into a world of self-care—a world he's never ventured into before. The sensation of warm water and gentle massage brings a sense of tranquility he hadn't expected.

Ashu: (whispering to himself) This is... surprisingly nice.

After the manicure and pedicure, they move on to hair styling. Ashu watches in the mirror as his hair is expertly styled into an elegant updo.

Gurpreet: (encouraging) Ashika, you're looking more and more like the star of the event.

Ashu offers a shy smile, still adjusting to seeing himself in this new light. The transformation is undeniable, and yet, there's a part of him that feels a sense of vulnerability.

Ashu: (to himself) This is all so new. Can I really pull this off?

The beauty salon journey concludes with a gentle facial, leaving Ashu's skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Gurpreet: (grinning) Ashika, you're glowing!

As they leave the salon, Mandeep joins them once again.

Mandeep: (impressed) Ashika, you look radiant. The wedding is going to be a magical event, and you'll be a part of it in every sense.

Ashu finds himself caught between the excitement of the upcoming wedding and the whirlwind of emotions brought on by this journey of change

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