Chapter 23: Dream or Nightmare

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Scene: Ashu's Dreamscape.

As the night deepens and Ashu's eyelids grow heavy, he succumbs to sleep. His mind, still lingering on the thoughts that filled his waking hours, transports him into a dreamscape where reality and imagination intertwine.

In his dream, Ashu finds himself in a world where he is indeed Ashika—a girl living the role that he's assumed for the past 5 weeks. The village's assumptions have become his reality, and Raj is not just his friend, but his boyfriend.

As Ashu navigates this dream world, his heart swells with emotions he's never felt before. He and Raj share tender moments—their fingers brushing against each other, stolen glances that speak volumes, and shared laughter that fills the air with warmth.

Ashika: (to herself) Is this how it feels to be in love?

As the dream continues, Ashu's heart races with a mix of excitement and trepidation. He envisions a life where he's truly Ashika, where the world's assumptions have become his truth. But just as he's lost in this reverie, a subtle shift in the dream's fabric begins to emerge.

Raj: (in the dream, softly) Ashika, there's something I've been wanting to tell you.

Ashika's heart flutters in anticipation, her eyes locking onto Raj's gaze.

Ashika: (dreamily) What is it?

Raj: (in the dream, smiling) I love you, Ashika.

In that moment, Ashu's heart skips a beat. The dream's words echo in his mind, resonating with the thoughts that had filled his waking hours.

Ashu: (whispering, in the dream) I love you too, Raj.

In the dream, Raj takes Ashika on dream date and they share a passionate kiss. This was his first Nightfall. As the dream reaches its crescendo, Ashu's emotions intensify. The line between the dream and reality blurs, and for a fleeting moment, the dreamscape becomes his truth.

But just as quickly as the dream took hold, Ashu starts to stir. The boundaries between his dream and his waking consciousness begin to reassert themselves.

Ashu: (murmuring) Raj...

As Ashu transitions from the dream world to the realm of wakefulness, his heart carries the echoes of his dream's emotions—confusing, exhilarating, and teetering on the edge of something unknown.

The clock strikes 2 in the silent hours of the night, and Ashu lies in bed, his thoughts in turmoil after the vivid dream that had shaken him to the core. The emotions he experienced in the dream linger, leaving him with an overwhelming desire to share his thoughts with someone.

His heart pounds in his chest as he wrestles with his feelings, uncertain about whom to confide in. He knows he can talk to his mother, Gurpreet, about anything, but the thought of revealing the content of his dream makes him blush with embarrassment.

Ashu: (whispering to himself) Should I really tell her about this dream? What if she thinks I'm... weird?

Taking a deep breath, Ashu shakily adjusts his nighty and reaches for his phone. He hesitates, his thumb hovering over his mother's contact.

Ashu: (softly) She's always been there for me. She'll understand.

With trembling fingers, he presses the call button, the phone ringing softly in the quiet room. As the call connects, his heart races, and he waits anxiously for his mother to pick up.

Gurpreet: (sleepy) Hello?

Ashu: (nervous) Hi, Mom. It's me, Ashu.

Gurpreet: (concerned) Ashu, is everything okay?

Ashu: (hesitating) Yeah, I just... had a dream, and I needed to talk to someone.

Gurpreet's voice softens, sensing her son's unease. She puts her phone down as come to Ashu's room.

Gurpreet: (gentle) Of course, Ashu. You can always talk to me. What's bothering you?

Ashu takes a deep breath, his heart pounding as he begins to explain the dream that had left him feeling shaken.

Ashu: (slowly) It was just a dream, but... it felt so real. In the dream, I was Ashika, and everyone thought Raj was my boyfriend, even my future husband.

Gurpreet: (listening attentively) Dreams can sometimes bring up unexpected feelings. What emotions did you experience in the dream?

Ashu: (hesitating) Well, I felt... happy, Mom. Like, really happy. And it was strange because it was like I was in love with Raj, but I'm not... I mean, I don't...

Gurpreet: (softly) It's okay, Ashu. Dreams can stir up emotions, even if they don't necessarily reflect our reality. Did you feel any confusion or uncertainty in the dream?

Ashu: (relieved) Yes, exactly. I was happy, but also confused. I kept wondering if it was real or just my imagination.

Gurpreet: (calmly) Dreams often play with our thoughts and desires. They're like a canvas where our mind projects different scenarios. What's important is that dreams don't define who we are.

Ashu: (slowly) I know, Mom. But I can't help feeling embarrassed about it. I mean, what if people knew I had a dream like that?

Gurpreet: (reassuring) Ashu, dreams are personal experiences. They're a part of your thoughts and feelings, and there's no need to be embarrassed. Everyone has dreams that might seem unusual or even surprising.

Ashu: (sighing) Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just that the dream felt so real, and now I can't shake off these thoughts.

Gurpreet: (caring) It's normal for dreams to leave an impact, especially when they touch on emotions we're unsure about. Remember, talking about it helps you process those feelings.

Ashu: (feeling comforted) Thanks, Mom. I appreciate you listening to me. I know it's silly, but I just needed to talk to someone.

Gurpreet: (smiling) Ashu, there's no such thing as a silly conversation when it comes to what's on your mind. I'm always here to listen, no matter what.

As the conversation continues, Ashu gradually starts to feel the weight of his concerns lift, replaced by a sense of connection and understanding.

As the conversation with his mother comes to a close, Ashu finds himself feeling a sense of relief and reassurance. His heart is lighter, and he's reminded once again of the strength of the bond he shares with his mother.

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