"Give us a glimpse of working with such a talented actress and singer."

"She is ethereal, enchanting, surreal. She is the gentlest kindest soul, with a hint of of sass. She is charming and witty, while also being a huge pain in the ass." His gleaming eyes stared into the camera, like his words were meant for me, and me only.


"Oops. She is one of a kind."

"He loves you." Ella gasped before she slapped me on the head. I peeled my eyes off the TV turning to her.

"What was that for?" I glared at her in anger.

"You love each other, yet you sit thousands of miles apart, each unaware of how the other feels. What the fuck are you doing? It's pitiful." She looked at me with disappointment, shaking her head slightly as she rested her hand on my shoulder. 

"He doesn't. I asked him." I looked down dejected.

"You asked him?" 

"He told me he doesn't believe in love, never has, never will." I poured out the thoughts that have been holding me back. 

"I have seen the way you guys look at each other. The red carpet, the set photos, and even the paparazzi photos. You guys are enamoured by each other but are too afraid to confess to each other. I need to you step it up and let him know." 

"But what if he doesn't want the same thing?" My lips quivered as the faint words barely reached her ears.

"You are too afraid of the bad outcome to even have faith in the good ones. For once, let yourself fall and trust that someone will catch you. Trust Y/N." Ella got off the couch angrily, leaving me alone with Y/N's voice on the TV. 

Her anger was justified. She wasn't angry at me, but my actions, or lack thereof. She was angry at how deep in my thoughts I had sunk that I was too afraid to take any action.

"Are you ready for the party Hailee?" Liv asked as she walked into my house.

"Yes, just about. Are they waiting outside?" I started curling my eyelashes.

"They? You don't know."

"Know what?" I set my eyelash curler down, as Liv's tone incited fear.

"He's gone to London." Her words came out quickly like she was afraid of being the one to tell me the news.

"To London? For what?"

"I thought he called you. He left you a voicemail." She scanned the room.

I sat down, as my legs wobbled. My heart felt crushed as the weight of his departure held me down. The unbearable weight suffocated my lungs and I started hyperventilating.

Liv reacted instantaneously, reaching for my phone as she unlocked it and went straight to my call inbox.

"Hey, Hailee. It's me Y/N. I tried calling, but I seemed to have caught you at the wrong time. I hope Fallon went well." His sensual and comforting voice filled my room.

There was a long silence, only filled with intermittent breaths from Y/N through the phone.

"I am going to London, it looks like they are looking for a new James Bond and I fit the requirements. I am going this weekend for the audition, but my agent is pretty sure I am all but locked in. This would mean that I am moving back to London for good, for a long time. I would love to talk to you about this, maybe even meet you before I leave on Sunday. But, knowing how sudden this is, I won't be surprised if you are mad at me for leaving. Especially with all that's unsaid. If I don't get a call by Wednesday, I will take it as a sign. A goodbye, instead of a see you again."

Forever Misunderstood [Hailee Steinfeld]Where stories live. Discover now