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"you seriously toothpasted his bed!?" felix squeaked, hands going to his mouth. it was late at night and jisung was planning on spending it at felix and seungmin's dorm, having a cuddle party with his best friend. then seungmin popped his head in through the open doorway, scowling.

"will you two dickheads keep it down? some  people are trying to sleep, you know!" he growled (puppy growl). jisung rolled his eyes.

"okay, okay, mr. grumpy," he joked. if looks could kill, the one seungmin gave him as he retreated back to his bedroom would have had him dead on the floor. he turned his attention back to felix, whose mouth was still slightly agape.

"number 1, yes. i did. and he deserved it, too! number 2, is toothpasted a word?" now it was felix's turn to roll his eyes. but he quickly turned serious again, folding his arms and giving jisung a look a disappointed mother would give her disappointing child, even though jisung was older than him!

"ji. you know better than to provoke him," felix sighed. jisung glared at him.

"he  provoked me!"


jisung and felix looked at each other.


they quickly rushed out of the room, temporarily dropping their argument. as they neared the door, the banging got louder. jisung opened the door a crack. what if it was hyunjin? but, no. it was jeongin, eyes wide and breathless as though he had just ran a mile.

"innie?" jisung asked. "what are y-?" he was cut off as jeongin grabbed his and felix's wrists, dragging them outside. he frantically pointed to a hazy red glow at the end of the hallway. jisung squinted, trying to make out was it was. then the flames came into view.

"fire."  he breathed, his heart jumping in his chest. was this hwang's doing?  was, regrettably, the first thought that came into his mind. no, jisung, that's ridiculous. he wouldn't set the school on fire just because he was mad at me. he swallowed. one thing he had learned from his rivalry with hyunjin, was that, you could never underestimate him. but setting the school on fire? no way. he quickly pushed the intrusive thoughts out of his mind.

right now he had to focus on escaping alive. his breaths came in short puffs of air as he...

went right back in there to get seungmin.

then left.

all of them hightailed it out of there, opening doors and busting open dorms, not wanting to leave anyone behind. they collected a group of students, some of whom ran off to get to safety outside the school, not that you could really blame them for wanting to get out of the burning building.

"what about to the second floor?" felix asked, eyes wide and worried. jisung's head snapped up to the ceiling above them,  then to the direction where the staircase was... and also where the fire started.

fuck. they wouldn't be able to get up, and as he looked over at felix's darkening eyes, he knew the same thought occurred to him. the people up there would be trapped, no way down or out. unless...

as they burst through the doors he quickly glanced up at the second floor windows. would the ladder they had be tall enough to reach there? and what if the window wouldn't open? they would just have to break through.

where's the fire department?  he looked around, the thought only now making an obvious appearance in his mind. someone did call them, right?  he shook his head. now he was just being ridiculous. of course someone called them! college kids weren't that  dumb... he hoped.

GAME OVER | HYUNSUNG [ON HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora