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As far as [Name] could remember, her relationship with Karasu had been something like this:

Both [Name] and Karasu were known in their school as the top students, both fiercely competitive and determined to outshine each other in every academic endeavour.

They were in chemistry class and their experiment involved mixing volatile chemicals to create a reaction. As they meticulously measured and poured, tension filled the air: Karasu's long fingers moved with precision, and [Name]'s nimble hands were equally deft. Each wanted to be the first to complete the task, to prove their superiority.

A hushed silence enveloped them until Karasu broke it with a sly comment. 'You know, [Name], it's not as easy as ya might think.'

[Name]'s jaw clenched. She hated how he always seemed to get under her skin. 'I know what I'm doing, Karasu. You don't need to tell me.'

Karasu smirked, a glint of mischief in his eyes. 'Just making sure, [Name]. After all, second place suits ya well.'

That was it. [Name]'s patience snapped like a brittle twig. She gripped the glass flask in her hand, her knuckles turning white. Her voice trembled with rage. 'You think you're so clever, don't you? Always one step ahead.'

Without another word, [Name] hurled the glass flask against the lab wall with all her might. It shattered into a thousand pieces, the sound echoing through the room. The mixture inside splattered across the floor, forming an abstract and colourful pattern--she had just wasted a perfect vial of Methyl Orange.

Karasu blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback by [Name]'s outburst. Then, a slow smile crept across his face--his usual smirk, to be more specific. 'Well, looks like someone's finally showing some spirit.'

[Name] glared at him, her chest heaving with anger and embarrassment. 'I can't stand you, Karasu Tabito.'

Karasu chuckled softly, reaching for a fresh flask to restart the experiment. 'Likewise, [Name]. But I have to admit, yer not boring.'

At his remark, she merely rolled her eyes.

Or, it was like this:

The mid-term exam results had just been posted on the bulletin board at their High School. As the students gathered around to check their scores, Karasu and [Name] rushed towards the board to see who had gained more marks.

Karasu approached the bulletin board and his jaw tightened as he saw the number: 85.

'85?!' Karasu muttered to himself, clearly disappointed.

Just then, [Name] stepped up beside him, a smug grin on their face. 'Karasu, looks like you couldn't keep up with me this time,' she teased, their finger pointing at the 98 next to her name.

Karasu clenched his fists, his competitive spirit getting the best of him. 'Don't get too cocky, [Name]. It's just one test.'

[Name] chuckled, 'oh, come on, Karasu. This is the third time in a row. Maybe you should consider studying a more and chasing girls with my idiot brother less.'

Karasu's eyes flared with anger. 'I'll score better next time and I'll get more than ya.'

She tried to stifle her laughter. 'Oh sure you will,' she said sarcastically as she walked away from him.

'What do ya mean by that?!'

So yes, it was safe to say that Karasu and [Name] did not like each other. But, as their school life comes to an end, it leads to some unusual bonding between the two...

Having an academic rival was fun. It was enough to keep both [Name] and Tabito motivated enough. In fact, their rivalry was the sole reason why the both of them ever put any effort into their school work. These two were desperate to out-sell the other in any possible aspect and they both have been doing so since they were merely four years of age.

The roots of their rivalry ran deep. There was never a time they could imagine without the other being there to annoy or irritate them.

Of course, it wasn't just their academic rivalry that kept a constant relationship with them—[Name]'s brother, Otoya Eita had a play in it too

Eita was the one who introduced the both of them, actually. And, [Name] wishes everyday that she could forget that fateful afternoon:

It was colouring time for them in kindergarten but her twin— younger brother, had ran off to socialize with other boys his age. Actually, boys wanted to socialize with him since he was so aloof and closed-off. Yet, all the boys' attempts were futile since he was quick to shut them off.

Except for Tabito.

How [Name] wished that her brother wasn't intrigued by that man...

Tabito was one of the last boys to introduce himself to Eita in the hopes of sparking up a friendship with him. Of all the boys, Eita believed Tabito to be the most interesting of them all.

But apparently that was due to Eita finding Tabito's accent rather funny. After hearing it, he decided to be his "best friend for life".

Afterwards, he introduced the angular boy to his sister while she drew something in the cornor of the class and the conversation went something like this:

'Woah! You both don't look alike at all!' that was the first comment Tabito made. And it was regarding their looks.

'Not all twins look like, dummy,' replied [Name].

She didn't know whether it was her rude tone or the fact that she called him "dummy" but Tabito took offense to that.

'Well, not all zebras are brown either but yours are!' said Tabito as he pointed to lovely picture that she colouring.

The sentence caused [Name]'s eyebrows to knit as she gripped her crayon harder. 'That's not a zebra! Wow, you really are a dummy.'

Then she turned to her brother, 'why are you friends with a dummy?'

And, it was on that day did the trio form.

And, it was on that day Tabito swore that his best friend's twin sister would be rival until the end of time.

i finally posted !! i finally have motivation to continue writing smth for tabito, i just love him so much yk ?? like im soo normal abojt him

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