Chapter 12 - Getaway Van

Start from the beginning

"I... I don't know what to say.... I really don't." He was left speechless from Amber's outburst, unable to form words to comfort his only living daughter in front of him. Did he really lose sight of what mattered most to him? This was Amber, yet here she was, crumpled in despair.

"Get out." She calmly tells her father.

The silence was all that followed but the actions of Jace picking up the contract papers and looking at his daughter one last time, before leaving her office, left her to swallow her own reality.


The blaring alarms in Sentinel Services were loud enough to cause mass panic amongst the workers as they scramble to get to action. Each was doing their assigned task by taking care of mutants in airborne matter to those taking it on the ground. Jace had gathered his best men and women alike to handle the ground task force to take care of the mutants who were going to be transferred to another highly secured facility.

As he goes to inform the task force of their assignment, Amber opens the heavy doors and marches over to her father, regardless of paying attention to her surroundings in order to get to her father. "I want in. Immediately." She commands her father with a serious tone. The look of annoyance was twisted in his face, watching his daughter be stubborn. "Fine, I'm only doing this because your friend has been a pain in my ass begging for you to be there. Get suited." She quickly leaves the scene to get suited and in her place was Izzy who stood by his side.

"I did what you asked, now please help me get her to sign it. She trusts you." Jace looks at him with a scowl but his desperation in his tone spoke for himself that he needed her to sign the contract and fast. Whoever the higher ups were, they were not to be messed with when it comes to time management. "I'll get her to sign it, if only I can tell her what is in it." He negotiates with Jace, again, this time the grimness in his voice is evident. " No, she cannot find out about it, but what I do need you to do is to make sure she knows it's important to her to get into the program fast. She won't die, I was promised that."

Izzy can only sigh in response before leaving the scene to assess with his team.


Jace and Amber were walking side by side to get into the back of the van that contained the detainees who would be escorted to move into a higher max prison safely under Jace's watch. As they reached the van, the doors were ajar before they were completely opened to two more guards on watch waiting for the two. "Mr.Turner, we weren't expecting you to be here." One of the guards mentions. He waves him off mindlessly. "Guys, meet my daughter, hopefully you get acquainted fast as we move the prisoners to a new location. Now, get in the van and hopefully you become our eyes and ears Amber." He speaks to them, the last sentence was to his daughter as she starts to climb the van without a word.

The guards nod to him before closing the van's door, getting a signature knocking to start moving the van. The van then started to move, which made their first jolt unsteady. She had to adjust slightly in her seat. Looking ahead, she sees three prisoners, the first being a vibrant yet dark green hair woman, who looked to be in her 20's and her porcelain skin radiating from the lights above them. The second being a scruffy late 30's man, his dark circles were probing his under eyes and he did look miserable being there. The last being the one she recognized during her interrogation, but there was something new about him. The wounds from his face showed signs of getting hurt, scratches and bruises scattered his face too, his wrist looked like there was a pin down struggle. "How did one of my prisoners get put here?" She questions without leaving her eyes on Wyatt.

The two guards looked at each other silently, each unsure how to explain to her. "We don't really have an idea but apparently he tried assaulting an officer on the way out." They came up with something since that was what they were told. She slightly cursed under her breath, looking straight ahead at Wyatt, thinking to herself why did this had to happen.

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