Ace Bakugo

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Name: Ace Bakugo (this is just my oc's name, you can change it if you want)

Age: 16- when story starts

Personality: She is very bubbly on the inside and when she is with Rayla. But, when she is around others she is distant and rude. She is emotionly dead to people around her but inside her head is a pure 6 year old. She is extreamly smart and has severe ADHD but somehow keeps it inside .(It does leek out sometimes)

Quirk: My oc's quirk is that she can gain a venom dragons traits. (a daggered tail, venom paralysis by either biting or stinging an opponet, can gain scales as armor, and she has exra strenght but nowhere near as stong as Deku, oh and she can gain horns if she wants to look cool/intimidating)

Hair color: Her hair is a blank white(again my oc's, you can change it)

Eye color: Lavander (you know what I'm going to say)

(her hair and eye color are not like her parents because her quirk somehow changed it- Just go with it please-)

Extra Info:
When Ace was little she was extreamly smart and learned how to control her quirk quikly. So, since both Ace and Katsuki had strong quirks their parents dicided to send Ace to the country of Zen'no when she was the age of 4. When in Zen'no she was taken in by their number one hero Takumi ( her name means power) and was constanly trained. Ace did become quite distant to people because of growing up only ever training and being lectured by pro heros for her "misbehavior".The pro heros always thought that every time she would rest, talk, or even get a few minuts out of her "perfect" power building routine was her trying to robel against their ways. But there was one person who made Zen'no barable and that person was Rayla. Rayla was Takumi's older sister who could turn herself invisable as she pleased. So, every time Takumi was not around Rayla would sneek into places and give Ace ways to escape the country as well as all the weaknesses of the heros. (sometimes they just talked about the O-So annoying and rude pro heros) But soon the connection between the two was broken. Why, well Rayla was found dead with a bullet through her head. After the heros found Raylas body, Ace had found a latter from her. In the letter was a bunch of numbers and symbols wich was a language that the two had made just incase of an emergancy. After decoding the letter, Ace found out that Takumi was only training her to use her as a mega weapon for a war they were planning to start. So, Ace decided to show Takumi how strong of a weapon she really was.

(And thats were the story starts so I will see yall next chapter!)

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