Getting Ready To Party

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It was October 5, 2012, a very heart wrenching day for Logynn and her family. Today was her brothers birthday who killed hisself earlier in the year. Everyone was still mourning and in an emotional state months later. They were having a party today, so loved ones and friends could celebrate what he would've called a great life. Logynn had been frantic all day. She couldn't find anything to wear.

A complete and nervous wreck her friend, Cyn, comes over to help her. Logynn lives in a giant mansion home with 14 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, a basketball court, inside and outside pool, home theater, and bowling alley. While Cyn was finding Logynn something to wear Logynn did her make-up. "Lo, would it be okay if I stayed here tonight?, said Cyn. "Things are a little intense at home." Cyn parents were going through a nasty divorce and putting her in the middle of all their legal problems. "Sure babe. Mi casa, su casa." replied Logynn. As Cyn finished putting together potential outfits for the night Logynn curled her hair up.

As Lo and Cyn changed outfits repeatedly, Rica called to rush them along. Rica, Lo's oldest sister on her dad's side, told Lo and Cyn they needed to be there before people showed up to get things set up and started. Lo and Cyn head out to Calish Parks, a subdivision, in the mint blue G-Wagon.
Headed into the entrance of Calish Parks, Rica flagged the girls down. "About time you 'Prima Donnas' finally got here." Rica joked.
" Oh well you know, there's nothing like being fashionably late, sister." Logynn implied. "Come on let's get this party started!" enthused Rica.

Cyn and Lo were in charge of the decorations and sign throughout Calish Parks. Around eleven-thirty p.m. people started arriving. Everyone was having a great time, enjoying themselves. A couple of the boys shot dice and the ladies had dance offs. It was such a great way to celebrate a fallen life. Lo walked around mingling with different people, but this one guy caught Logynn's eye. The look on his face told her that she had caught his too. He looked like a familiar face, like she had seen him around before.

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