I Am Going To Devour You...

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Chakrii, hello. Come on in" Engfa answered the door, anxiety filling her body. It was unusual for the head of the board to request a private meeting with her so it was a surprise when she had received an email early that afternoon requesting an appointment for the same day. Not knowing what this was about was setting her fear of authority figures into hyper-drive. She had been racking her brain all day trying to think if she had done anything that could be perceived as inappropriate and had quickly come up with a growing list of possible minor infractions that had her imagination soaring.
Taking a few deep breaths after greeting the other doctor, she took a seat behind her desk and folded her hands together. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" she gave him a tentative grin.
"Actually, we had a worker go to Human Resources earlier today with a few questions and concerns. They talked with her and then immediately contacted me for guidance. I had another meeting in the building today so decided, with the recent reports, that I would come talk to you face to face rather than clear this up through an email."
Surprise was evident in her features "Human Resources? Regarding something I've done?"
"Not precisely. That's why I wanted to come talk with you today though" He was interrupted by a knock on the door. Standing, he reached for the handle as Engfa looked on in confusion.
"Ah, Miss. Austin, please come join us"
Her face instantly lit up as she watched the taller brunette enter her office, closing the door behind herself. Her heart sank though when Charlotte turned her way, dark eyes wide and apologetic as she barely glanced at her before turning back to the head of the board. "Hi, Mr. Chakrii, thank you for taking the time to meet with us" the taller brunette said quietly, shaking his hand.
Swallowing back a scoff as the realization of who had made the call to H.R. became clear, Engfa tried to keep her face blank even as her mind whirled. No wonder the taller brunette had been gone when Engfa had gotten out of the shower that morning. Obviously she had a few errands to do before work, ruining her career apparently being at the top of the list. Refusing to acknowledge the intense sense of betrayal that washed over her, Engfa shoved it down deep inside as she sat back in her chair in shock. Charlotte had gone to H.R about her. Was this about this morning? Obviously she had severely misread the other woman and her intentions. To think she had decided to take a chance on her. Maybe finding out now was a good thing. Shifting her attention back to Mr. Chakrii, she remained silent and waiting.
"As I understand it, you are in the middle of a series of disciplinarian sessions with Miss. Austin, is that right?" Glancing up from the folder in his hands, he looked over the top of his reading glasses at Engfa.
"That is correct." she responded, outwardly calm and confident she was careful to not elaborate unnecessarily.
"Do you have the required paperwork?" he questioned
Engfa nodded and went to grab Charlotte's folder from her file cabinet. Handing it to the man, she studiously avoided the brunette's gaze as she put her hands in jacket and leaned against the edge of her desk.
Looking over the paperwork, he nodded. "So she had her second session two days ago?"
"I believe that is correct, yes sir"
"Have you done a wellness check yet today?"
"I have not"
"Alright. Would you mind doing that now so that I might witness?"
dark brown eyes darted to meet brown but did not linger longer than to register the intense blush on her normally pale cheeks.
"I am fine with that. Miss. Austin?" gesturing for the brunette to rise and lean over her desk.
Hesitating, Charlotte finally stood and made her way over.
"Miss. Austin, I understood your level of discomfort with having an additional witness in the room. I assure you that it is necessary though. Ms. Waraha, perhaps the full examination is not needed right now. What I am looking for here is the level of redness that still exists."
Nodding in understanding, Engfa glanced again at Charlotte. She tried to keep her voice soft and calm, absent from the ice that wrapped around her heart. "Miss. Austin, hands on the desk please. With your permission, I will lower your jeans the appropriate amount so that Mr. Chakrii can see what needs to be seen"
Breathing out a little sigh of relief, Charlotte nodded and did as she was told. She could tell that Engfa was angry but knew that she could still trust her to take care of her. The rest she hoped she would be able to explain soon.
One hand on the small of her back, Engfa carefully lowered her waistband on the left side until a fair portion of still reddened skin was visible. Standing to the side, she waited for a nod from Mr. Chakrii.
"That was from two days ago?"
"Yes sir"
Looking thoughtfully at the skin, he said "Please do the thumb test"
Pressing her thumb into the gorgeous brunette's skin, Engfa pulled it away as they both watched it go from light to red again. After doing the same to the right side, Engfa finally patted her jeans back in place.
"I would say that you have done a good job, Ms. Waraha. Miss. Austin, were you able to sit ok the first day after?"
"No, sir. It was quite uncomfortable. The second day is usually bearable though."
"Any bruising or blistering?"
"Ms. Waraha is generally careful to limit that but yes, minimal"
"Ok. Well, that clears up any issues of favoritism. Now on to the question of..?
"Favoritism, sir?" Charlotte interrupted in confusion
"Yes. Your contact with H.R. was not the only one we've had in the last 24 hours. That is one of the major reasons I thought a face to face was warranted. It seems another worker reported that because you and Ms. Waraha are friends that she was going easy on you. That is obviously not the case though."
Two complaints in 24 hours? Engfa sat back down, panic causing her heart to beat hard in her chest and the rest of what the other doctor had said escaped her attention. Images of what her friend had faced at the hand of Achara suddenly became ominous and the thought that the board may have reason to subject her to the same treatment was terrifying.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a phone. Reaching inside her pocket she yanked hers out.
"It's mine" Charlotte said, voice solemn and yet at the same time apologetic. "I have a photoshoot"
"It's ok, Miss. Austin. I can discuss the rest with Ms. Waraha and she can fill you in later"
"I'd really like to stay"
"Miss. Austin, is it your habit to ignore your calls?" Engfa's voice was sharp and tinged with annoyance as she glared up at her.
Eyes widening, Charlotte blanched in the face of her anger. "No, ma'am. Could we meet later today though?"
"I have several appointments scheduled for today but I'm sure I, or a member of the board, will be in contact"
Nodding, Charlotte made her way to the door. Sending one last pleading look in the smaller brunette's direction, she mumbled a quick goodbye to Mr. Chakrii and slipped out, closing the door behind her.
Mr. Chakrii removed his glasses and rested his hand on his knee "You were pretty harsh with her, Engfa"
"All of this is a bit unexpected, sir. I'm not sure how to react. What exactly was Miss. Austin's complaint?"
"She didn't have a complaint." he said with surprise "Didn't she talk to you about her concerns?"
"No, sir. She has not"
"Ah, I see. That explains it. Miss. Austin went to H.R. with concerns and questions about you and her dating"
"We aren't dating. I guess she did talk to me, now that I know what this is about. I made it very clear that given the disciplinarian role I have here at the company that I do not date co-workers"
"By personal choice?" he asked and watched as confusion washed over her features.
"Engfa, that has never been a condition put on you by the board. You may date any co-worker you would like as long as it is consensual, doesn't interfere with your work, and is kept low-key and professional here at work."
"I may...what? What if they require discipline while we are dating?"
"I would do what I did today and inspect your work. Listen, Engfa, the board respects what you do for us. We know it is a lot to put on one person and we appreciate your professionalism and respect for your fellow doctors. What Mr. Achara did was horrible and we admire your ability to balance the discipline with compassion. It is a gift. However that gift in no way should stand between you and your happiness."
"Miss. Austin has been abundantly clear that she intends to pursue you, date you, and instigate a relationship with you. She has our blessing as long as you feel the same way. I can tell this is a lot to take in so I'm going to leave this letter she wrote as well as the Relationship Disclosure form that H.R. will require you both to sign if you decide the feelings are mutual."
Engfa numbly took the documents from his outstretched hand, noticing Charlotte had already filled out and signed her portion of the H.R. form. Standing, he reached out to shake her hand before moving towards the door. "Thank you , Ms. Waraha, keep up the good work"
Hesitating, he turned back for just a second. "Engfa, I strongly encourage you to read her letter and really consider it. Just, uh, if you do decide to let her pursue you, maybe keep it PG until after her last session" She blushed lightly and nodded, barely hearing the click of the door as she sunk back in her chair, eyes on the full page letter.

Charlotte looked around one last time as she entered the elevator with little hope of seeing Engfa. Although she had only been in her photoshoot for about an hour after being called, she had not been able to find the smaller brunette all day. Her dozen or so texts had gone unanswered and her heart sank every time she looked at her phone and found no response.
Shifting her bag on her shoulder, Engfa headed for the elevator. It had been an incredibly long day with several appointments. When she wasn't in am appointment or rounding on her area, she had hid out in her office reading and rereading the letter Charlotte had written the board. It was an incredibly flattering letter that both made her smile and blush every time she read through it. Charlotte had taken pains to ensure the board knew that Engfa had been professional and that it was Charlotte herself who intended to pursue her. The smaller brunette was somewhat embarrassed by her lack of faith in their friendship and that she had immediately jumped to the worst case scenario. On the other hand, she still wasn't happy that Charlotte had gone to H.R. behind her back although that was dimming as the day went on. She hadn't responded to the taller brunette's texts mainly because she was working through her own thoughts and feelings and thought it better to wait until she was sure what she wanted. Finally deciding the brunette was more than worth the risk, she had filled out her portion of the document with shaking hands just moments ago and was now headed downstairs to submit it on her way out. Planning on texting Charlotte when she got home, she mentally began drafting what she wanted to say as she pushed the down button for the elevator.
Charlotte's eyes lifted as the elevator came to a stop and the door opened with a ding revealing the very woman that had filled most of her thoughts for the last few weeks. Her breath caught as their eyes met and she couldn't help noticing how the beautiful model hesitated before entering with the others that had been waiting.
"Hi" Engfa said tentatively with a small smile as she stepped in, turning her back to the brunette, heart fluttering madly. On the next floor the elevator emptied leaving the two of them alone. Charlotte stared at the back of her head willing her to turn her way or at least say something. The idea that Engfa could be mad at her was killing her. She fidgeted for a moment, eyes raking over the woman in front of her as she fought with herself on what she should do. Finally, not being able to hold back any longer, Charlotte whispered "Engfa"
In a flash the smaller brunette whipped around and pressed herself against the brunette, pushing her against the side wall. Charlotte gasped as their bodies fit tightly together and a shiver raced down her spine. She could feel Engfa's breasts against hers and her hips firmly holding her in place. Slender fingers curved around the back of her neck as Engfa's lips met her own. The kiss was hard and passionate but altogether too brief, giving them both just a small taste of the other. Cupping her face in her hands, Engfa's thumbs caressed her cheeks as she quickly changed angles, dipping her tongue briefly into the warm heat of her mouth and moaning softly. Curving her hands around her hips, the taller brunette pulled her in impossibly closer, returning the breathtaking kiss.
Engfa could feel the brunette's pulse beating hard and fast beneath her hand and she found it exhilarating. Pulling back, she searched her face and found excitement, passion, and tenderness. Heart fluttering in response, she brought their lips close again, hands finding dark silky tresses and giving them a gentle tug. Pulling back just before their lips touched, she found her ear instead "I am...going to...devour you." she whispered hotly, lips brushing the curve of her neck as she tucked a folded paper into the brunette's pocket.
Charlotte could only stare as Engfa left the elevator, knee high boots barely making a sound on the carpeted floor but drawing the taller brunette's eye. She soaked in the skin tight dark jeans and the black jacket the smaller brunette wore as she made her way through the hall, bag over her shoulder and brown curls reaching halfway down her back. Her melting brain barely registered the words Engfa had whispered as she pulled the folded paper out and glanced down at it. She realized what it was just in time to shove her arm out to stop the door from shutting. Slipping through, she followed after her.

Now I am going to sleep, Good Night Beautiful People🤍 Thanks For The Comments 🤍

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