Dinner started out a little quieter than normal for them but Engfa was thankful to find that conversation flowed pretty well after they both had a few minutes to recover. It was with some reluctance that she finally stood from the table with a groan. "Now that was a satisfying meal" she grinned "Thank you, Charlotte."
"Anytime" she grinned, helping to carry the dishes back to the kitchen. Engfa though handed her a refilled wine glass and shooed her to the living room while she loaded the dishwasher and put the food away.
Setting her glass down on the coffee table, Charlotte walked slowly around the room. She ran a finger over the spines of the books on the shelf smiling at their apparent shared interest in romantic mysteries. Turning to the dvds she was just starting to look them over when a 5x7 photo on a nearby shelf caught her eye. Picking it up gently she couldn't help but grin at the brunette's beautiful smile as she stood between a man and a woman
Turning as the smaller brunette came into the room, Charlotte held up the frame. "This is a really great photo. You all look so happy."
Engfa set her wine beside Charlotte's and hesitated a moment before walking across the room, taking the photo from Charlotte's hand. "This is my sister, Plaifa" she said, smiling softly down at the image of her. The photo had been taken at her parent's home shortly before her graduation. They had their arm around her and all three were grinning widely at the camera.
"You two look a lot alike" Charlotte said, not missing the reflective and reverent way Engfa held the photo. "You must be close"
Dark eyes darted up to meet brown before lowering back to the photo. Engfa would normally end the conversation there and yet there was just something about the taller brunette that made her want to share more. She could feel the walls around her heart weakening but couldn't resist the urge to let her in a little. Biting her lip, she hesitated before continuing "Yeah...we are pretty close. We used to have a lot of fun together. Our dad was a singer so we moved around a lot. It wasn't a lifestyle that was real conducive to making and keeping friends for long. We always had each other which made the moving around more bearable" she said, placing the frame back on the shelf before turning to meet warm brown eyes. "Plaifa...she is now a teacher, she always had a thing for teaching, she's really amazing, she lives pretty far so we don't see each other that much anymore"
Charlotte's heart almost exploded listening to the proudness and sadness in her voice "She seems pretty amazing and i'm sorry she had to move."
"I know." she cut her off. "It's ok. You don't need to say it. I actually never work on this day. I like to take the time to just be alone and remember and I guess to feel, you know? I need at least that one day when it's ok to just feel however I feel and not have to hide it."
There was silence for a moment before Charlotte spoke "Did I..uh...Do you want me to go?"
Engfa turned to meet her gaze and smiled softly again. "No, actually. I'm really glad you are here. I don't know what it is about you but I feel like I can be myself. I'd love for you to stay for a while, if you don't mind"
The smile that spread slowly across the taller brunette's face caused butterflies to take flight in the smaller brunette's chest. "I'd really like that. So who's the other guy in the photo?"
"That's Imron, my first and only husband"
"What?" shock evident in every feature.
"Yep. We got married in our backyard when I was ten. The first and last time I ever let a boy kiss me" she smirked.
Charlotte laughed softly "Do you still see him?"
"Uh..no, actually. He passed away from cancer about a year ago" she gave a self depreciating little laugh before grabbing the taller brunette's hand and dragging her over to the couch. "Ok, enough about people I love dying. How about a movie?"
Sitting in her normal spot on the sofa, Engfa waited for Charlotte to put her head in her lap again.
"Do you..um...can we maybe share the couch this time?"
Scrunching up her nose in confusion, Engfa just looked at her "Don't we both usually end up on the couch together?"
"I just...hold on, I'll be right back" she said disappearing towards the guest room. Quickly changing into a long sleep shirt she removed her bra and then very carefully pulled her jeans down, wincing at the tenderness of her backside. Foregoing any panties, she slipped a soft pair of cotton shorts on and grabbed another pillow.
Moving back into the living room, she was surprised to find Engfa missing. Making herself comfortable, she fluffed the pillows and pulled the blanket off the back of the couch. Stretching out fully she tenderly moved as close to the back of the sofa as possible.
Engfa grinned at her as she came back in wearing her own set of sleep shorts. "I thought we were going to share the couch" she teased
Charlotte patted the cushion in front of her with a hopeful look as Engfa raised her eyebrows. "I'm not sure that's a good idea, Charlotte" her voice was quiet and full of regret.
"C'mon" she smiled imploring "I solemnly promise that I will try to keep my hands to myself"
The desire to be near the taller brunette was more than she could resist and she found herself drifting closer until she was standing right in front of her. "Hmmm...doubtful but I'm going to try to trust you" Engfa smiled tentatively and stretched out beside her, trying to leave a little space. That plan went quickly out the window though when the taller brunette pulled her snug against her, her arm wrapped around her waist and her nose buried in brown curls. "See? Isn't this much better"
Humming softly, Engfa allowed herself to enjoy the taller brunette's embrace. It had been so long since she had been this comfortable with anyone and she hadn't realized how much she had missed physical closeness combined with trust. She trusted Charlotte and that surprised her enough that her eyes flew open and she stiffened a little before slowly relaxing again. She trusted her and it wasn't the end of the world. She reached down and covered the taller brunette's hand with her own where it rested against her abdomen. "Charlotte?"
"Thank you...for dinner and for staying and for...everything"
"You are welcome. Thank you for letting me in"
"Well, technically you let yourself in" she giggled
Smiling ruefully, Charlotte brushed the tip of her nose over the smaller woman's ear. "I didn't mean into your house. I mean, yes that too, but I meant thank you for letting me be your friend"
"My answer is the same" she said turning to find dark eyes studying her.
"I get the feeling not many people get even this close. You are so incredible and I just don't understand. Is it defensive?"
"I don't know. I mean my sister is far far away, my friend Imron died, came to Seattle Grace and then dealt with the whole Mr.Achara thing within a few years time. It took me a while to catch my breath and maybe in some ways I'm still trying to? It's not that I purposefully close myself off it just happened naturally and I guess I just haven't been all that interested in working to change it?" she said, playing with the brunette's fingers
"Until now, right?" she let her lips trail down the curve of her neck making the cute brunette shiver. When she didn't answer, Charlotte sighed softly. "Do you date a lot?"
Turning in her arms to face her, Engfa grinned ruefully " I date, I just don't do relationships. I do casual really well though." she smirked
Charlotte snorted, amusement lacing her voice "So you lure lots of women here to make you dinner so you can have your way with them?"
"Well a girl's gotta eat" she winked salaciously then laughed as Charlotte choked over the double innuendo.
"I actually have never brought a woman home since I've moved here. I prefer going to their place because it's much easier to slip out than to get someone else to leave my bed. I don't do sleepovers"
"We've had sleepovers. We're having one right now"
"Hmmm...I guess we have. Not sexy sleepovers though"
"I, for one, would be happy to change that" she leered teasingly.
Bright dark eyes met and held brown and they just gazed at each other while silence fell around them. Reluctantly deciding that to respect the other woman's wishes she needed to try to keep this light, Charlotte thought about how to break the spell that seem to wrap around them. Shifting a little, she finally whispered "Engfa?"
Swallowing thickly, her eyes dropped down to full red lips "Yes?"
"My ass is completely on fire"
Eyes widening in astonishment at the brunettes slow grin, Engfa burst out laughing "Ok, ok, I'll put some gel on it. Geez woman"
Standing to go get the gel, Engfa was still smiling when she returned to find Charlotte still on the couch but facing the back of it.. She gasped when she got near and was yanked down in front of the taller brunette so that she was pressed between her and the back of the couch. Giggling as the brunette snuggled in close, she ran a hand through glossy dark hair. "How am I supposed to put this on you like this?"
"You can reach." she grinned, opening one eye to look at her before snapping it shut and sighing with contentment.
Rolling her eyes at the brunette's antics even as her heart rate increased, Engfa lifted her sleep shirt and tugged her shorts down until she could smooth her palm over the heated skin. Charlotte hissed at the contact, burying her face in the crook of the smaller woman's neck. Murmuring soft words of comfort, she spread the gel over her skin, taking a moment to gently rake her fingernails where the curve of her bottom met the top of her thigh. Charlotte gasped as her entire body broke out in goosebumps. "Sorry" Engfa giggled as the taller brunette glared teasingly at her.
"Mmmhmmm" one dark brow arched in suspicion.
Patting her bottom with affection after pulling her shorts back into place, Engfa closed the gel and tossed it onto the table. Snuggling together under the blanket, they talked and giggled for a while longer before falling asleep in each others arms.

Good night ❤️‍🩹

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